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Old 04-19-2011, 03:04 AM
Posts: n/a

Lossless backup bluray,any ideas?

Hello There

Due to the frequently use,it is difficult to protect my Blu-ray disc from scratches and worn out.So I want to lossless backup my bluray discs.

The way i know is burn Blu-ray Disc to a blank BD-R 25GB or 50GB,but it has cost me plenty of time and money.Can anyone tell me the better way about backup bluray?Thanks a lot.
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:46 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Lossless backup bluray,any ideas?

You can burn your discs to a blank BD-R or store them on your hard drive.
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Lossless backup bluray,any ideas?

I think you can make your Blu-ray Disc or BDMV folder into MKV file.

I choose MKV form as my lossless bluray backup. Cause MKV is a container file format in which there can be many audio, video and subtitles streams, allowing the user to store a complete movie in a single file.

Recently I start to use a tool *** to backup my blu rays to mkv files and store them in my 2TB hard disk .Very exciting, Playing the MKV files is flawless and i can get a high definiton enjoyment on my WD TV live Plus, ,moreover i can easily change audios and subs, skip chapters just as directly playing blu-ray Disc on my PC.

A Detailed Blu ray backup:
1. Store unprotected Blu-ray Discs on your hard drive.
To copy movie from a copy-protected Blu-ray disc to your hard drive, you’ll need a Blu-ray decrypting tool that can handle AACS and BD+ protections. AnyDVD HD is the best program for removing copy-protection from BD discs.

Pros: You can make a 1:1 physical Blu-ray copy and play it in Blu-ray players and PS3.

2. Copy/Burn Blu-ray Disc to ISO
First, copy a movie from a copy-protected Blu-ray disc to your hard drive. Then just create an ISO image from it using software like freeware ImgBurn or shareware Nero.

Pros: You can make a 1:1 physical Blu-ray copy and play it in Blu-ray players and PS3.

3. Copy/Burn Blu-ray Disc to a blank BD-R 25GB/50GB . To copy movie from a copy-protected Blu-ray disc, you’ll need a Blu-ray decrypting tool that can handle AACS and BD+ protections. AnyDVD HD is the best program for removing copy-protection from BD discs.

Pros: You can make a 1:1 physical Blu-ray copy and play it in Blu-ray players and PS3.

Cons: You may face more complicated situation when copying a 30GB movie--- you have to either compress the BD contents to fit for a 25GB single layer Blu-ray Disc(which is time-consuming), or copy it to a 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc which is much more expensive.

4. Copy Blu-ray main movie to MKV stripping out the rest of the Blu Ray disc content
Generated MKV video includes main movie only, without Blu-ray movie menu or any add-ons.
There are plenty of such tools promoted by spam, so there is a high chance that you will get a low quality software.
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