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Old 04-02-2010, 03:37 AM
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Looking for a subscription services for ebooks

I usually read an ebook only once. And I don't really like going to a library (they do have ebooks, but usually not the ones I want). So I'm wondering if there are any subscription services for ebooks where you can pay a monthly fee and can download as many ebooks as you like, but can use them for a limited amount of time. Looking for something like Netflix and Rhapsody, but for ebooks.
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Old 04-02-2011, 07:04 PM
Walter Walter is offline
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Re: Looking for a subscription services for ebooks

Yes, check out It doesn't seem to be launched yet but looks promising.
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Old 04-21-2011, 03:41 AM
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Re: Looking for a subscription services for ebooks

Amazon will be offering Kindle Library Lending later this year. It allows all Kindle customers borrow Kindle books from more than 11,000 libraries in the US. The e-tailer partnered with OverDrive, which works with public and educational libraries to deliver more than 400,000 digital books. You don't have to use a Kindle reading device to borrow ebooks, you can use Kindle application for PC, Android, iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Mac.

Checked out ebooks are accessible by a reader during two weeks, then they become locked and inaccessible. Annotations and bookmarks can be made to a digital book borrowed from Amazon, but those notes won't appear to the next person that checks out the same ebook.

If you decide to purchase the same book or check it out from the digital library again, all of the notes will be restored.

Although it is not a subscription service, it is a great way to gain access to more than 400,000 ebooks.
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