Hello, it's my first time posting in these forums and I hope I'm posting in the right section. I've lurked and found the people here knowledgeable so I'm asking for a little help...
I'm trying to save a free stream from Japan. I'm using a VPN connection and can play the video just fine, but I keep getting an error no matter which m3u8 url I use.
Here's the streaming site:
Here's what I was using:
livestreamer "hlsvariant://https://media.abema.io/channel/anime24/playlist.m3u8?t=yrWpmk2TQKJAffSFzY4hWWzGxs9YAcE61Co4GugdL4gszb66ghiLEQYkS3SnFsGaJZHyP5WHBsYrPbW8fvHSL8gH5vMZYfHYdz9dgfmsmoo2WkSE37odt12ex4tmTQc&mq=720&lanceId=09f1e15c-98e5-443c-a4b2-6f94ce1f1396" best -o "test.ts"
Here's what I was getting back:
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://https://media.abem
[cli][info] Available streams: 1400k, 2200k (best), 300k (worst), 900k
[cli][info] Opening stream: 2200k (hls)
[stream.hls][error] Failed to create decryptor: Unable to open URL: abematv://v2
/anime24/P3cbsZ8QD2D/UXmzGGPpygrPt8uJb5arp85 (No connection adapters were found
for 'abematv://v2/anime24/P3cbsZ8QD2D/UXmzGGPpygrPt8uJb5arp85')
[cli][error] No data returned from stream
Livestreamer 1.12.2.
Is it something I'm overlooking? Is there a better way to download it? I usually can get m3u8's to download with "hlsvariant://" or "hls://", but this one just isn't working.
Thanks in advance for any info or advice on this.