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Old 11-06-2009, 02:02 AM
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Is it legal to rip a DVD that I own?

Now more and more people want to make a copy of media they owns for their own personal use. But, is it legal to rip a DVD that you own? I don't give my opinion , let's just hear what people say.

1. I backup my DVDs. I used my hard-earned money to purchase it, so I see no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to make a backup copy of it.

2. By the spirit of the law (IMO) you can strip off the copy protection and make a "not unreasonable" number of copies for personal use. That means (for example) you could copy a DVD to play in your car's DVD player so the kids don't scratch up the original, and copy it to your iPod so you can watch it on the train, but you can't give, sell, or otherwise distribute the copies to anyone

3. I'd say you are safe to back them up, so long as you do not try to share or distribute them in any manner. No judge in their right mind would charge you with copyright infringement if you owned the originals and were only using the backups for personal use.
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Old 01-07-2010, 08:21 PM
hatetea58 hatetea58 is offline
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Re: Is it legal to rip a DVD that I own?

seriously, it is illegal.
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