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Old 12-10-2010, 01:23 AM
Stream Recorder
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How to install the latest version of XNeur/GXneur in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

X Neural Switcher, or xneur, is a free software (GNU GPL) for automatic (intelligent) keyboard layout changing in the X Window System, and runs on all flavors of Linux and BSD. Currently, it is mainly used to change between Russian and English, but also supports Ukrainian, Belorussian, French, Romanian, Kazakh and German.

The program loads itself into the background and monitors user input. If an entered character sequence is uncommon in the current user input language, then xneur changes the keyboard layout, and rewrites the (possibly incomplete) word in the more appropriate language. For example, the incorrect "Dbrbgtlbz" will be changed into the Russian for "Wikipedia" ("Википедия"), and vice-versa, "фззду" will become "apple".

The user can add new words or character sequences into the program's dictionary, and can manually change languages with a keyboard shortcut. Automatic detection can be disabled, leaving only manual switching.

X Neural Switcher is divided into two parts:
xneur server works as a daemon in a basic X Window System
graphical frontend gxneur (for GNOME, uses GTK+) and kxneur (for KDE, currently in development)

X Neural Switcher was added to ALT Linux, Russian SuSE club, Debian, some FreeBSD ports and some Russian Ubuntu repositories.

How to install the latest version of XNeur/GXneur in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

Add the following repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrew-crew-kuznetsov/xneur-stable
For nightly builds you can add the following repository instead:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrew-crew-kuznetsov/xneur-unstable
Then install GXneur
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gxneur
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