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Old 06-03-2008, 10:48 AM
Posts: n/a

Inexpensive PC recording set-up: need to record at least 8 streams (fire scanners)

Hello everyone,

First I would like to start by saying that I am a complete newb to the whole world of sound & recording so I apologize in advance for my ignorance.

Now, here is my issue: I have been given the task of setting up a system that records fire scanners and it has to be done on an extremely tight budget.

I have located links to the scanners I need on the Internet, so I thought the most economical way to do this would be to set-up one PC that records all of them. Then I discovered that I would need more than one soundcard. Then, I got the bright idea that I could use inexpensive USB soundcards......well, my PC (i'm running windows xp pro) recognizes the "usb audio" however, i'm having a hell of time actually getting sound to actually play out of them.

Any suggestions on getting my "bright idea" to work OR am i kidding myself? Any suggestions on what i should try?

*I need to record/capture at least 8 streams
*I need either voice activated recording OR something that gets rid of silence
*I'd love to use the USB soundcards I have, but I'm open

Thanks in advance for your support!!!!
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Old 06-03-2008, 11:44 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Inexpensive PC recording set-up: need to record at least 8 streams (fire scanners

I have never worked with fire scanners so I have no idea how to record them.

The only thing that I can notice is that some programs that record from your sound card can actually record sound from a particular application. For example, freeware Freecorder Toolbar can do that.
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