ignoblekey error: Error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'bnepubkeyb64'
Hey, all. I was redirected here from the B&N DRM-stripping thread by Alf, who suggested you all might have an answer to the thorny problem that as yet I have been unable to solve: when I run ignoblekeygen I get an error message that reads "Error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'bnepubkeyb64'". I saw one other post with someone reporting this error on the I<3 Cabbages blog, but there were no answers given, and the author hasn't commented on it in a GOOD long while.
Particulars: running Windows 7 x64, python 2.7.1 (32-bit, as per instructions), OpenSSL 1.0.0 (also 32-bit), and the 3.0 version of the tools. Also installed pycrypto to see if that would make the difference, but no dice.
Any takers?