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Old 04-24-2010, 02:05 PM
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If I sign up for skype, will I get my own number?

If I sign up for Skype, will I get my own number? If yes, is their a certain subscription that only includes my own phone number or do all subscriptions?
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Old 04-24-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: If I sign up for skype, will I get my own number?

Basic Skype service is free. You will have a Skype ID allowing you to make calls to other skype users for free.

There's two kind of premium services:

"SkypeOut", or outgoing calls made from your computer to other Skype users or land-lines. You either need a subscription (starting at $2.95 a month for unlimited outgoing calls within the US) or you can "pay as you go" with Skype credits. Other Skype users can call you from skype to your skype for free using your Skype ID.

"SkypeIn" allows you to receive inbound calls from regular land-line phones (from NON-Skype users). If you purchase "SkypeIn", you will get a land-line number in one of 25 countries:
* Australia
* Brazil
* Chile
* Denmark
* Estonia
* Finland
* France
* Germany
* Hong Kong
* Hungary
* Ireland
* Italy
* Japan
* Korea, Republic of
* Malta
* Mexico
* Netherlands
* New Zealand
* Poland
* Romania
* South Africa
* Sweden
* Switzerland
* United Kingdom
So your friends, family or business contacts can call that number and only pay for a local call (if they are in the same country as your number). You can pick up the call at no cost to you wherever in the world you are logged into Skype. "SkypeIn" costs - $18 for 3 months or $60 a year.
Note that people from the country where you have the local number will be charged the regular rate for the country by their local phone companies.
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