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Old 03-06-2017, 03:26 PM
jlovefun jlovefun is offline
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help with this stream

Hey all,
I'm trying to get some clips of my brother playing baseball from stretchinternet streams. The link is

Everytime I've plugged it into rtmpdump it runs and then stalls immediately and I get a few seconds of video each time...I'm at a loss on what to do next. I appreciate any help. my cmd line is below and what it outputs is also below. Thanks.
rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand/" -f "WIN 24,0,0,221" -W "" -p "" -y "mp4:uncw/uncw-346248-v.mp4" -o "2017-03-06_11-01-02_uncw-346248-v.flv" -A 8540 -B 8820
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
For duration: 280.000 sec
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   language                eng
INFO:   timescale               90000.00
INFO:   length                  1251795060.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              avc1
INFO:   language                eng
INFO:   timescale               90000.00
INFO:   length                  1251796655.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              mp4a
INFO:   audiochannels           2.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate         90000.00
INFO:   videoframerate          30.30
INFO:   aacaot                  2.00
INFO:   avclevel                30.00
INFO:   avcprofile              66.00
INFO:   audiocodecid            mp4a
INFO:   videocodecid            avc1
INFO:   width                   640.00
INFO:   height                  360.00
INFO:   frameWidth              640.00
INFO:   frameHeight             360.00
INFO:   displayWidth            640.00
INFO:   displayHeight           360.00
INFO:   framerate               3000.00
INFO:   moovposition            545108755.00
INFO:   duration                13908.85
224.984 kB / 8545.47 sec (61.4%)
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   language                eng
INFO:   timescale               90000.00
INFO:   length                  1251795060.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              avc1
INFO:   language                eng
INFO:   timescale               90000.00
INFO:   length                  1251796655.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              mp4a
INFO:   audiochannels           2.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate         90000.00
INFO:   videoframerate          30.30
INFO:   aacaot                  2.00
INFO:   avclevel                30.00
INFO:   avcprofile              66.00
INFO:   audiocodecid            mp4a
INFO:   videocodecid            avc1
INFO:   width                   640.00
INFO:   height                  360.00
INFO:   frameWidth              640.00
INFO:   frameHeight             360.00
INFO:   displayWidth            640.00
INFO:   displayHeight           360.00
INFO:   framerate               3000.00
INFO:   moovposition            545108755.00
INFO:   duration                13908.85
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Old 03-06-2017, 04:25 PM
j_cool j_cool is offline
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Re: help with this stream

Rtmpsuck (rtmpdumphelper) downloads it, rtmpdump downloads it with -v switch.

rtmpdump -v -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand/" -f "WIN 24,0,0,221" ^
-W "" ^
-p "" ^
-y "mp4:uncw/uncw-346247-v.mp4" ^
-o "c:\%d%_TEST.mp4"

C:\>rtmpdump -v -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand/" -f "WIN 24,0,0,221" -W "https://neo-cdn" -p "
ntId=346247&streamType=video" -y "mp4:uncw/uncw-346247-v.mp4" -o "c:\2017-03-06_22-28-03_TEST.mp4"
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192586940.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype avc1
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192584377.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype mp4a
INFO: audiochannels 2.00
INFO: audiosamplerate 90000.00
INFO: videoframerate 30.30
INFO: aacaot 2.00
INFO: avclevel 30.00
INFO: avcprofile 66.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 360.00
INFO: frameWidth 640.00
INFO: frameHeight 360.00
INFO: displayWidth 640.00
INFO: displayHeight 360.00
INFO: framerate 3000.00
INFO: moovposition 519529124.00
INFO: duration 13250.97
6000.016 kB / 153.32 sec (1.1%)
RTMP Proxy Server v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : ondemand/
flashVer : WIN 24,0,0,221
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl :
live : no
Playpath : mp4:uncw/uncw-346247-v.mp4
Saving as : 2017-03-06_10-17-47_uncw-346247-v.flv
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192586940.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype avc1
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192584377.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype mp4a
INFO: audiochannels 2.00
INFO: audiosamplerate 90000.00
INFO: videoframerate 30.30
INFO: aacaot 2.00
INFO: avclevel 30.00
INFO: avcprofile 66.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 360.00
INFO: frameWidth 640.00
INFO: frameHeight 360.00
INFO: displayWidth 640.00
INFO: displayHeight 360.00
INFO: framerate 3000.00
INFO: moovposition 519529124.00
INFO: duration 13250.97
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192586940.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype avc1
INFO: language eng
INFO: timescale 90000.00
INFO: length 1192584377.00
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO: sampletype mp4a
INFO: audiochannels 2.00
INFO: audiosamplerate 90000.00
INFO: videoframerate 30.30
INFO: aacaot 2.00
INFO: avclevel 30.00
INFO: avcprofile 66.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: width 640.00
INFO: height 360.00
INFO: frameWidth 640.00
INFO: frameHeight 360.00
INFO: displayWidth 640.00
INFO: displayHeight 360.00
INFO: framerate 3000.00
INFO: moovposition 519529124.00
INFO: duration 13250.97
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Old 03-06-2017, 04:53 PM
jlovefun jlovefun is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 2
jlovefun is on a distinguished road

Re: help with this stream

It appears to be working now. I appreciate your help and quick response.
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Old 03-06-2017, 08:30 PM
JonDough JonDough is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 90
JonDough is on a distinguished road

Re: help with this stream

It might be easier to watch the mp4 instead of fooling around with confusing rtmp stuff.
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