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Old 04-30-2012, 07:04 PM
Impaired Impaired is offline
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Help with rtmpdump (using rtmpexplorer)

I am trying to pull streams off of hbogo and I cannot make it work. rtmpexplore gives me the following code:

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "hbogoadapt/hbo/" -f "WIN 11,2,202,233" -W "" -p "" -y "mp4:hbo/desktop/hbo_85662544_PRO4.mp4" -o GoTS2E5.flv
Exhausting everything I could find on the matter, I also tried:

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "hbogoadapt/hbo/" -f "WIN 11,2,202,233" -W "" -p "" -y "mp4:hbo/desktop/hbo_85662544_PRO4.mp4" -o GoTS2E5.flv
But to no avail. rtmpsuck produces the following error:

ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 04-30-2012, 07:55 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Help with rtmpdump (using rtmpexplorer)

RTMP Server v2.4 GIT-2012-03-08 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "hbo
goadapt/hbo/" -f "WIN 11,2,202,228" -W "
.54861/LivePassModuleMain.swf" -p "" -y "mp4:videos/hbo/ext
fb9a6c" -o hbo_PMRS748811_PRO4_1.flv

Closing connection... done!

(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              57.15
INFO:   moovPosition          32.00
INFO:   width                 256.00
INFO:   height                144.00
INFO:   videocodecid          avc1
INFO:   audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:   avcprofile            77.00
INFO:   avclevel              30.00
INFO:   aacaot                2.00
INFO:   videoframerate        29.97
INFO:   audiosamplerate       48000.00
INFO:   audiochannels         2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                1712000.00
INFO:   timescale             29970.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            avc1
INFO:   length                2743296.00
INFO:   timescale             48000.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            mp4a
2094.154 kB / 14.15 sec (24.7%)

Last edited by chap : 08-01-2012 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 07-31-2012, 07:55 PM
insane822 insane822 is offline
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Re: Help with rtmpdump (using rtmpexplorer)

Hello all,

This has been working for me for months now, but all of the sudden it's stopped working. I am using the latest flash file also..

Parsed protocol: 2
Parsed host    :
Parsed app     : hbogoadapt/hbo
Khalsa: 0 0 (null)

RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
HandShake: Client type: 06
HandShake: DH pubkey position: 166
HandShake: Client digest offset: 879
HandShake: Initial client digest:
6f e9 ab 6a 54 2c fb e2 57 14 43 19 74 8a 15 2b
ca 65 62 71 ab 50 1a 35 40 1c e9 32 eb d7 77 70
HandShake: Type Answer   : 0A
HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 10
HandShake: Server Uptime : 1729969710
HandShake: FMS Version   :
HandShake: Server DH public key offset: 549
HandShake: Secret key:
0e 88 7e cb d5 f2 a4 3d 97 c4 37 b7 cc f9 5a c3
cf 86 c3 f0 a7 72 62 df 32 5a 7f d7 f8 df b6 d8
92 12 9f af 1b 76 25 73 28 56 8d 45 a0 4b 38 64
1a 02 82 7c 81 46 52 c6 71 04 e3 3b 12 b6 09 77
97 3a e9 3b 61 95 15 53 34 5e fc 9e e0 88 30 10
a7 7d b7 d2 8b cb 19 c6 ac 11 1b 7d 56 29 c5 8b
ce cc 6b 0c 0b d0 4e 97 5c 01 44 be a3 7b 98 4c
03 6a 73 08 a4 b5 0d 68 2d 43 32 36 b9 42 24 f6
RC4 Out Key:
23 88 5b d1 98 98 c8 19 53 75 6b 6d 53 3e 19 9d
RC4 In Key:
13 19 66 a2 94 3f 71 b7 fe f7 09 55 41 10 48 38
HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
9f bf 67 92 fc 6d 48 97 83 4c a3 6a 5c c6 50 8c
c6 35 5c 3f 4f 6d 35 47 44 56 15 8e ad e7 77 e6
HandShake: Client signature calculated:
fd 5e c3 8e 77 12 e4 4c eb e6 3f 67 60 ab 2c 42
b9 bb 66 07 02 b3 eb d2 83 54 d0 18 90 f0 44 6e
HandShake: Server sent signature:
89 a4 6d e5 00 ab c2 54 a7 f6 67 29 ec a5 f0 64
1e 22 b6 81 bb 89 12 bb 11 8d 8c e7 e9 df 43 e9
HandShake: Digest key:
bf b2 5a 84 fa 60 55 d6 f4 8d 24 ed f3 7c 05 e4
68 30 09 fc d0 80 a9 69 0f c6 8d c1 09 62 a0 e1
HandShake: Signature calculated:
89 a4 6d e5 00 ab c2 54 a7 f6 67 29 ec a5 f0 64
1e 22 b6 81 bb 89 12 bb 11 8d 8c e7 e9 df 43 e9
HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
HandShake: Handshaking finished....
RTMP_Connect1, handshaked
Invoking connect
HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000
HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2
HandleCtrl, received ctrl, type: 26, len: 3
HandleCtrl, SWFVerification ping received:
HandleCtrl: SWFVerification Type 2 request not supported, attempting to use SWFVerification Type 1! Patches welcome...
sending ctrl, type: 0x001b
Sending SWFVerification response:
00 1b 01 01 00 0a 2a 28 00 0a 2a 28 a3 b6 12 46
d9 4c 6d 35 59 e0 15 13 ba f2 35 67 c7 8a 10 52
98 c0 63 9d 94 5b 08 77 7e 57 47 f1
RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 181 bytes
(object begin)
Property: <Name:            no-name, STRING:    _error>
Property: <Name:            no-name, NUMBER:    1.00>
Property: NULL
Property: <Name:            no-name, OBJECT>
(object begin)
Property: <Name:              level, STRING:    error>
Property: <Name:               code, STRING:    NetConnection.Connect.Rejected>
Property: <Name:        description, STRING:    Connection failed.>
Property: <Name:        description, STRING:    [ Client.SWFVerificiation.Rejected ] : status code 439>
(object end)
(object end)
HandleInvoke, server invoking <_error>
rtmp server sent error
RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 18 bytes
(object begin)
Property: <Name:            no-name, STRING:    close>
Property: <Name:            no-name, NUMBER:    0.00>
Property: NULL
(object end)
HandleInvoke, server invoking <close>
rtmp server requested close
Can anyone with hbogo access test?

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Old 08-09-2012, 12:30 AM
svnpenn svnpenn is offline
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Re: Help with rtmpdump (using rtmpexplorer)

Originally Posted by insane822 View Post
Thanks for posting.. strange it's working for you. I've had a script that's been working fine for months, but it suddenly started getting this error last week.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate them. Thanks!

ERROR: HandleCtrl: SWFVerification Type 2 request not supported, attempting to use SWFVerification Type 1! Patches welcome...
DEBUG: Property: <Name:        description, STRING:     [ Client.SWFVerificiation.Rejected ] :
SwfVerification 2 has not been implemented by RtmpDump.
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Old 08-09-2012, 08:34 AM
insane822 insane822 is offline
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Re: Help with rtmpdump (using rtmpexplorer)

Originally Posted by svnpenn View Post
SwfVerification 2 has not been implemented by RtmpDump.
I guess I ignored that error because it always worked in the past when I saw that.. but now they removed type 1 support from their servers?

Thanks for clearing that up!
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