Help with a livestream, i already got the rtmp info
As i just give up i will paste the real info here. I want to be able to play this stream on GSE iptv ios app, so i need to create a .m3u file.
If it is not possible, how can i watch the stream outside the browser.
playpath=23724?MTUwMzMzMTM1NDtjZWNkNGEzNjVkZDZjNmF lODIwZmMyZWJlZjZkZWEwNA==
pageUrl= U2NzoyZTJjZTk5YT/6d6174682e636861706d616e2e656475
i tried to include the infor inside a .m3u file with the previous #ext m3u #extinf:-1 lines
Any help will be appreciated