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Old 07-26-2016, 02:46 PM
kingdevil kingdevil is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 665
kingdevil is on a distinguished road

Heitor Pereira - The Angry Birds Movie (Original Motion Picture Score) (2016)

Artist: Heitor Pereira
Title: The Angry Birds Movie (Score)
Year Of Release: 2016
Label: Atlantic Records
Genre: Score
Quality: MP3/320 kbps
Total Time: 01:19:03
Total Size: 184 MB


01. Heitor Pereira - Red on the Run (2:31)
02. Heitor Pereira - Birthday Party (2:32)
03. Heitor Pereira - Bird Court (4:32)
04. Heitor Pereira - Billy Fight (1:32)
05. Heitor Pereira - This is Going to be Awful (2:13)
06. Heitor Pereira - Terence and Bomb (3:59)
07. Heitor Pereira - Boat Approaches (1:51)
08. Heitor Pereira - Poetry Time (2:12)
09. Heitor Pereira - Leonard (2:15)
10. Heitor Pereira - The Trampoline (3:12)
11. Heitor Pereira - Who Are These Weirdos? (1:36)
12. Heitor Pereira - Look What I Found! (1:49)
13. Heitor Pereira - Paint Your Pain (2:03)
14. Heitor Pereira - Does None of This Seem Wrong? (1:12)
15. Heitor Pereira - I Need Your Help (2:27)
16. Heitor Pereira - Lake of Wisdom (1:27)
17. Heitor Pereira - I Think He Saw Us (2:00)
18. Heitor Pereira - Helium, It's a Gas (1:19)
19. Heitor Pereira - I Used to Believe in You (4:14)
20. Heitor Pereira - They're All Gone (1:27)
21. Heitor Pereira - Build a Boat (2:14)
22. Heitor Pereira - Arrive at Piggy Island (1:28)
23. Heitor Pereira - Ready, Aim, Fire! (3:39)
24. Heitor Pereira - Risky Idea (4:10)
25. Heitor Pereira - Chuck Time (0:46)
26. Heitor Pereira - We Want Eggs! (7:31)
27. Heitor Pereira - Nothing Like a Statue (4:15)
28. Heitor Pereira - Home Tweet Home (1:02)
29. Heitor Pereira - Mighty Red (0:47)
30. Heitor Pereira - Roomies (1:23)
31. Heitor Pereira - Red's Demo (2:08)
32. Heitor Pereira - Piggy Demo (3:09)

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