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Old 11-26-2009, 04:15 PM
buttonsrtoys buttonsrtoys is offline
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Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recognized"

I have a registered version of Replay Music (vers. 3.35, Windows XP) that's been great at ripping Pandora songs. I hadn't used it in maybe 6 months and just fired it up today. It ripped maybe 30 songs so far but has not been able to tag any of them -- all of them come up "Not recognized". I see it's using the Gracenote database and that that's being phased out? I read that I can right-click on the song and select "Tag Track" to have the Replay try again, but that option isn't listed when I right-click.

Edit Track
Move track(s) to directories...
Play Track
Delete Track(s)

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
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Old 11-27-2009, 05:06 AM
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz

Gracenote in version 3.35 and older is expired. Here's what to do.
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:09 PM
gmachine_24 gmachine_24 is offline
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz

I have found the current Replay Music tagging - even with the latest software, to be lacking. The free database is, well, free . . . and Amazon, etc., don't have everything.

So this is what I do and it works 95 percent of the time - especially when recording from places such as Pandora and, although works better if you use thelastripper, but that's another story.

Anyway, what I do is open WinAmp, the free version; cut and paste all the song titles that aren't identified into the "playlist" window (upper right hand corner); highlight all the songs, then right click on your mouse and choose "send to" and then choose "auto-tag" from the next popup windows. WinAmp, I believe, still has access to the Gracenote DB, and if it's not that one it's better than what Replay Music uses. (I have been a Replay Music user for a decade; if they don't like the criticism and suggestions, they can fix their product).

This will, as I said, work about 95 percent of the time. It takes a little longer, but you get far more songs identified.

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Old 01-12-2010, 10:16 AM
HITMAN HITMAN is offline
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz

I have just started using Replay Music in the past few days to record from Pandora, will soon be also recording from XM radio. I am also seeing many tracks with no tags, but I just edit the artist name in the playlist, using the info from Pandora.
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:03 PM
gmachine_24 gmachine_24 is offline
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz


I don't have XM radio - but I have Pandora, Rhapsody, and some others. Replay Music actually does OK with Pandora, as long as the music isn't a recent release.

Although it does not work on Pandora, I have been a long-time user of Total Recorder, from High Criteria. I bought it years ago as a sound recorder for Windows - and they recently upgraded their Professional version so it can record, tag and split sound tracks from numerous Internet sources - not Pandora yet, but, Rhapsody, and numerous others.

The beauty of it is that it identifies the track being recorded using the information sent by the music source - i.e. or Rhapsody - so there's no need to check a database - you just get the title, artist and album automatically. I need to configure it a bit more and it did take some configuring beyond what might be required for Replay Music - but the result is I can queue up numerous CDs to play from, say, Rhapsody, when I go to bed and Total Recorder will record them all, give them the right tags and the next day all I have to do is divide the songs into different CDs, very easy because I use Tag & Rename - and I'm done. Takes about 1/10th the time as with any other recording software.

Anyway, good luck.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:51 AM
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz

Originally Posted by gmachine_24 View Post
The beauty of it is that it identifies the track being recorded using the information sent by the music source - i.e. or Rhapsody - so there's no need to check a database - you just get the title, artist and album automatically. I need to configure it a bit more and it did take some configuring beyond what might be required for Replay Music- but the result is I can queue up numerous CDs to play from, say, Rhapsody, when I go to bed and Total Recorder will record them all
Replay Music already has the capability to read from a web player window if the web player displays tagging info. You just need to use the "Tag with Template" option in the Settings. It works great with and other websites.

Have you tried this option in Replay Music?

Were you using the web-based or the standalone version of Rhapsody when recording from it with Total Recorder?
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Old 01-24-2010, 02:12 AM
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Re: Having trouble with Replay Music 3.35 & Gracenote database tagging: "Not recogniz

Some tagging problems of Replay Music were fixed yesterday. Please let us know if Replay Music tags better for you now.
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