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View Poll Results: Can GetFLV download from Hulu?
Yes, but only when i buy and install the very latest version 520 75.80%
Yes. I am using a cr*cked version 22 3.21%
No. I'm user of the demo version, which s*cks 74 10.79%
No. I am using some old cr*cked version, though 42 6.12%
I don't know, i haven't tried. Can I get it for free please? 28 4.08%
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Old 11-15-2005, 11:13 PM
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GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

I can't download video from Hulu with GetFLV, and I get lots of complains from others. Can you record from Hulu with it?

Do you know any streaming video recording tool that can record from Hulu?
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Old 08-02-2009, 09:01 AM
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GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Hulu streams videos in up to 4 different streaming qualities, for example for some arbitrary movie: 384x288 @256kbps (labelled as "400K"), 382x288 @392kbps ("480K"), 480x360 @456kbps ("650K"), 640x480 @960kbps ("1000K"). And Hulu Plus streams in HD quality (720p or 1080p who the fuck knows or cares). GetFLV can download and convert videos now. It catches all the url's of the different streaming qualities, and for each streaming quality (say, "Bitrate: 1000K / Title: (720 x 720)...") three alternative streaming url's are caught with the following format:
original full-length url's for a movie in "1000K" would be:
In theory all 3 url's can be downloaded (and then you have 3 copies of the same movie lol) but it appears that the llnwd and fplive are easier/faster to download than the edgefcs url. In any case you should select all three url's and try to download them at once ("a race!"). Note that every Hulu video should be available in different streaming qualities. If a movie appears to be streaming in 1 bitrate only, e.g. in medium quality 650K @ llnwd + fplive + edgefcs, then hit the "Update"-button for the "480p"-selection (radio button) and the "1000K"-url is generated by the webpage and caught by GFLV:

Also note that you must not shut down your proxy server shortly before you start the download (as is possible with the cookie-based Amazon Instant Video). Right when you start the download and GetFLV connects to the streaming server (e.g. fplive), the server checks if your location (IP address) is U.S.A. or non-US: it doesnt set cookies but checks your IP location in realtime!

But maybe the most important point is: Resuming is indeed possible (even if it is not the most straight forward or flawless matter)! Let's assume you have chosen to download a 1000K-bitrate video from a llnwd url and for some unknown reason the download stalls, say at 38%, it means that the connection got lost -> The icon is still green but no data is being transferred. Then just hit the Stop(ll) button and the icon turns orange(ll). Hit on Start(>) and the icon turns green(>). After some seconds the icon turns red(X) and you should get the following warning message:

Click on Yes and wait to see what happens: In the 'FLV Browser' a new tab opens up with the same video webpage. While the webpage is being loaded (afresh), GetFLV catches its streaming url's. When it catches some url which looks pretty much identical to your stalled download url, then right-click on it and 'Download!'. If none of the caught/captured url's look similar, then you must reload the very wegpage as often until GFLV catches urls with the desired stream url looks: the server must match (e.g. llnwd vs. llnwd) and the bitrate must match (e.g. 1000K vs. 1000K). When you now try to download the 1000K stream --under certain circumstances GFLV automatically tries to download it!!--, you will notice that no new (or additional) file download is initiated by GFLV. Instead, GFLV resumes your existing download which had stalled at 38%. Resuming with the above procedure works very well up to 3, 4 or 5 times (if your download really stalls that often!). After that it becomes more likely that GFLV does add a new (i.e. additional) 1000K-file download to your download queue and begins at 0% so that you're downloading now 2 files (the same video: 1 stalled at 38%, and 1 beginning at 0%). At this point keep trying. Resuming a 6th, 7th time, etc. is still possible although generating a valid resume url (for the 38% file) becomes harder (and less likely). As a general rule, if your download is at an early stage (e.g. 18% of a total 995MB-sized video) and you already needed to resume it more than 3x (because your download stalled that often between 0% and the 18%!), then i would recommend giving up on that ugly file (or is the server ugly? ) and it's more advisable to redownload the 1000K-quality video from scratch (0%). And maybe this time, better choose the fplive url.

~~~~~~~INFO LAST UPDATED 2011-05-24 *snip*~~~~~~~~~

known software versions to download Hulu stuff:
+ GetFLV v9.0.1.6, last checked 2011-05-24

~~~~~~~INFO LAST UPDATED 2011-05-15 *snap*~~~~~~~~~

Last edited by placebo : 05-24-2011 at 06:09 AM.
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Old 08-02-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
GetFLV can download and convert videos now.
I downloaded the last version and i tried to download from Hulu but doesn't work, also i get the following error when i started getflv "RTMPDownloaded Create Error"
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Old 08-02-2009, 05:54 PM
borboleta borboleta is offline
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Re: Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Same here, and the same error. I wonder what is going on.
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Old 08-03-2009, 12:48 AM
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

I've tried the program many times and it has never worked for me. It seems to be a scam, because nobody besides people from getflv reported that it worked.
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Old 08-03-2009, 06:07 AM
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

i sent email about this bug and they said me :

Terry Backer []
Please redownload it again. We have fixed this bug.
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Old 08-08-2009, 08:32 PM
borboleta borboleta is offline
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

I did download the trial version, It is working ok, I have 14 days left for the trial to expire. I cannot afford to buy it now. I hope I could win a free subscription, and become one of your field testers. I do not know if one can download the Hi-Res videos with GetFLV. It does a very good job in the 480P mode. Congratulations.
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Old 08-09-2009, 02:18 AM
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Originally Posted by borboleta View Post
I do not know if one can download the Hi-Res videos with GetFLV. It does a very good job in the 480P mode. Congratulations.
Programs like Jaksta shouldn't have problems with low-resolution Hulu videos.

As for RTMPE videos... it seems like rtmpdump is the only program that can download them.
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:01 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Originally Posted by getflv View Post
I am technical support engineer of GetFLV. I want to know can anyone download hulu videos with getflv now. Please help me test it. Thanks!
its off topic but

can you fix the bug with please?
because i tried to record from with GetFLV,but it cant access the site or can you change the recording method?
surfing a website in a recorder is not a good idea to begin with

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Old 08-09-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: GetFLV can download videos now? I have problems with it!

Originally Posted by getflv View Post
I am technical support engineer of GetFLV. I want to know can anyone download hulu videos with getflv now. Please help me test it.
I have a message for you from a developer of stream recording software who decided to stay anonymous:
I thought that I would send you a PM about it and you might want to reply with some advise for them or even contact them directly before they get sued.

All Hulu content now has copy protection mechanisms on it (SWF Verification) when streamed via the Hulu site. still has non copy protected content from Hulu that can be recorded, with RTMP Flash stream recorders (Editor's note: Product name has been changed to general term).

As they are breaking the copy protection mechanism I give them a month before Adobe has started legal proceedings against them just like they did to Applian and the take down notice Source Forge got for rtmpdump including having to provide the developers names so adobe could sue them directly.

GetFLV is based out of Germany. Same rules apply there as they do in the states.

It will be a pitty to see talented developers get sued again - although I imagine that they have just used the rtmpdump code. My advice would be to remove the SWF Verification from their product before its to late.
I bet not all competitors of GetFLV are so friendly. My advice would be to remove SWF verification a.s.a.p.

p.s. I wonder how soon we will see any products supporting RTMPE and/or SWF verification from the companies based in China or say Antigua and whether Adobe will be able to do anything about it.
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