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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 08-13-2009, 05:09 AM
ulrichburke ulrichburke is offline
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Freeware software for re-recording DRM protected audio and video files

Dear Everybody.

I've used this on 20 movies downloaded from ITunes so far. It's worked every time. And it's legitimately free.

I don't have a powerful computer. 140gig hard drive spare, 1.7gig processor, gigabyte motherboard, that's it. This is NOT spam even though it mentions a third party piece of software, because the software is open source.

It's called CamStudio.

All you do is start the video playing in ITUNES, then press PAUSE in ITUNES. Press RECORD in Cam Studio. You'll get a little 'magic wand'. Use this to draw a box around your ITUNES Player window, making sure you just draw it around the window and not around anything else (like the desktop, the grey area of the player etc.)

Then press PLAY on ITUNES.

Cam Studio will capture the WHOLE movie! When the movie's finished, just press the STOP button (blue rectangle) in Cam Studio and leave it to compress the audio/render the file. It's fast, a 90 minute movie takes about 25 minutes on my not-fast computer. Then hey presto! You've got a copy of the movie you can play anywhere, burn to DVD, do whatever you like with.

I've never found any jerkiness/drop-out problems and, like I keep saying, my computer's pretty slow.

Love to know people's reactions to this. It works on streaming video too - if you're watching an online movie, you can record it as you're watching it with Cam Studio.

Cam Studio is on Sourceforge, it is legitimately free, open source. That's why this post isn't SPAM, even though it's all about one piece of software, I'm nothing to do with Sourceforge, I just found it and discovered it's a salvation to all these DRM probs.

Audio files with DRM? Audacity - also from SourceForge and open source. Just press RECORD on Audacity, Play on ITUNES and it will record your song for you. Then just export the file as an MP3 and there you go. Again, I've never noticed any loss in sound quality and I've done many, many ITUNES tracks like that.

Yours respectfully (I feel quite pleased with myself for discovering this, even though I know I'm setting myself up to have my balloons busted!)

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Old 08-13-2009, 08:08 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Freeware software for re-recording DRM protected audio and video files

You can really use any screen video capture software to re-record DRM-protected movies. I do recommend to try CamStudio first, but many people still prefer to buy some other screen recorder. Anyway I'm glad that it works for you.

As for removing DRM-protection with Audacity, even if you have only 20 DRM-protected files imagine how much time you need to record, save and then add ID3 tags manually. If you like freeware DRM remove software only, you can at least try AnalogWhole
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Old 08-13-2009, 08:10 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Freeware software for re-recording DRM protected audio and video files

Also the is a reason why people use lossless DRM removal software. First of all you don't lose any quality with it. And second of all it works much faster (although sometimes you really need to spend to much time to learn about it and make it work).
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