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Old 02-04-2010, 09:22 PM
MidwestDrummer MidwestDrummer is offline
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Default Need help extracting an audio stream link from ESPN Radio

So, here in Lincoln 1480 AM decided to convert from being an ESPN Radio affiliate, to being an oldies station. I listened to it every single day, so needless to say, I was quite upset. Now I know there are hundreds of other ESPN radio streams out there, for a ton of other affiliates in other parts of the country, but I don't want something that caters to a specific location, because they inject their own programming, sports talk shows, etc. I just want ESPN Radio's own generic stream, with only their programming.

At home, I've started streaming ESPN Radio from their website
ESPN Radio
but I also wanna stream it to my phone, so I can listen in my car.

I've tried using the website on my HTC Touch Pro 2, but the steam doesn't load in PIE, Opera or Skyfire. I want to find the actual stream link, so I can just play it in CorePlayer.

I've good luck pulling stream links from a ton of other websites before, but ESPN Radio uses a flash-based player called StreamTheWorld, that is embedded into the website. I tried using WinPcap and URL Snooper to sniff the stream URL, but didn't have any luck finding the right URL.

Does anyone else have any ideas on how to find the actual ESPN Radio stream link?

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Old 02-09-2010, 12:36 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Need help extracting an audio stream link from ESPN Radio

I tried to play ESPN Radio Live and found the following URL:
You shouldn't have any problem finding it. But I don't really know what player for Windows Mobile is better for HTTP .flv streams.

Another problem is that the URL changes each time you use it. For example, the second time I tried it, I got the following URL:
So it is better to find the URL on your mobile phone.
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Old 02-09-2010, 02:17 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Need help extracting an audio stream link from ESPN Radio

Have you tried to play flash streams with HTC Streaming Media Player?
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