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Old 12-02-2014, 02:38 PM
omsu111 omsu111 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 49
omsu111 is on a distinguished road

error in rtmpdump

Why when i use the k parameter i get this
C:\Users\Omar>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "live" -f "WIN 15,0,0,
152" -W "" -p "http://www.xarabi" -C S:OK --live -y "kooralive01?id=206" -
K "kolkuJasVladikaTolkuTiPop;TRUE"  | "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2012-11-09 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
rtmpdump: invalid option -- K
unknown option: ?
I get This message
rtmpdump: This program dumps the media content streamed over RTMP.

--help|-h               Prints this help screen.
--url|-i url            URL with options included (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path
swfUrl=url tcUrl=url)
--rtmp|-r url           URL (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path)
--host|-n hostname      Overrides the hostname in the rtmp url
--port|-c port          Overrides the port in the rtmp url
--socks|-S host:port    Use the specified SOCKS proxy
--protocol|-l num       Overrides the protocol in the rtmp url (0 - RTMP, 2 - RT
--playpath|-y path      Overrides the playpath parsed from rtmp url
--playlist|-Y           Set playlist before playing
--swfUrl|-s url         URL to player swf file
--tcUrl|-t url          URL to played stream (default: "rtmp://host[:port]/app")

--pageUrl|-p url        Web URL of played programme
--app|-a app            Name of target app on server
--swfhash|-w hexstring  SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes)
--swfsize|-x num        Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerif
--swfVfy|-W url         URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically
--swfAge|-X days        Number of days to use cached SWF hash before refreshing
--auth|-u string        Authentication string to be appended to the connect stri
--conn|-C type:data     Arbitrary AMF data to be appended to the connect string
                        B:boolean(0|1), S:string, N:number, O:object-flag(0|1),
                        Z:(null), NB:name:boolean, NS:name:string, NN:name:numbe
--flashVer|-f string    Flash version string (default: "WIN 10,0,32,18")
--live|-v               Save a live stream, no --resume (seeking) of live stream
s possible
--subscribe|-d string   Stream name to subscribe to (otherwise defaults to playp
ath if live is specifed)
--realtime|-R           Don't attempt to speed up download via the Pause/Unpause
 BUFX hack
--flv|-o string         FLV output file name, if the file name is - print stream
 to stdout
--resume|-e             Resume a partial RTMP download
--timeout|-m num        Timeout connection num seconds (default: 30)
--start|-A num          Start at num seconds into stream (not valid when using -
--stop|-B num           Stop at num seconds into stream
--token|-T key          Key for SecureToken response
--jtv|-j JSON           Authentication token for legacy servers
--weeb|-J string        Authentication token for servers
--hashes|-#             Display progress with hashes, not with the byte counter
--buffer|-b             Buffer time in milliseconds (default: 36000000)
--skip|-k num           Skip num keyframes when looking for last keyframe to res
ume from. Useful if resume fails (default: 0)

--quiet|-q              Suppresses all command output.
--verbose|-V            Verbose command output.
--debug|-z              Debug level command output.
If you don't pass parameters for swfUrl, pageUrl, or auth these properties will
not be included in the connect packet.
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Old 12-03-2014, 11:13 AM
alsersawy alsersawy is offline
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Re: error in rtmpdump

Originally Posted by omsu111 View Post
Why when i use the k parameter i get this
C:\Users\Omar>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "live" -f "WIN 15,0,0,
152" -W "" -p "http://www.xarabi" -C S:OK --live -y "kooralive01?id=206" -
K "kolkuJasVladikaTolkuTiPop;TRUE"  | "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2012-11-09 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
rtmpdump: invalid option -- K
unknown option: ?
I get This message
rtmpdump: This program dumps the media content streamed over RTMP.

--help|-h               Prints this help screen.
--url|-i url            URL with options included (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path
swfUrl=url tcUrl=url)
--rtmp|-r url           URL (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path)
--host|-n hostname      Overrides the hostname in the rtmp url
--port|-c port          Overrides the port in the rtmp url
--socks|-S host:port    Use the specified SOCKS proxy
--protocol|-l num       Overrides the protocol in the rtmp url (0 - RTMP, 2 - RT
--playpath|-y path      Overrides the playpath parsed from rtmp url
--playlist|-Y           Set playlist before playing
--swfUrl|-s url         URL to player swf file
--tcUrl|-t url          URL to played stream (default: "rtmp://host[:port]/app")

--pageUrl|-p url        Web URL of played programme
--app|-a app            Name of target app on server
--swfhash|-w hexstring  SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes)
--swfsize|-x num        Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerif
--swfVfy|-W url         URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically
--swfAge|-X days        Number of days to use cached SWF hash before refreshing
--auth|-u string        Authentication string to be appended to the connect stri
--conn|-C type:data     Arbitrary AMF data to be appended to the connect string
                        B:boolean(0|1), S:string, N:number, O:object-flag(0|1),
                        Z:(null), NB:name:boolean, NS:name:string, NN:name:numbe
--flashVer|-f string    Flash version string (default: "WIN 10,0,32,18")
--live|-v               Save a live stream, no --resume (seeking) of live stream
s possible
--subscribe|-d string   Stream name to subscribe to (otherwise defaults to playp
ath if live is specifed)
--realtime|-R           Don't attempt to speed up download via the Pause/Unpause
 BUFX hack
--flv|-o string         FLV output file name, if the file name is - print stream
 to stdout
--resume|-e             Resume a partial RTMP download
--timeout|-m num        Timeout connection num seconds (default: 30)
--start|-A num          Start at num seconds into stream (not valid when using -
--stop|-B num           Stop at num seconds into stream
--token|-T key          Key for SecureToken response
--jtv|-j JSON           Authentication token for legacy servers
--weeb|-J string        Authentication token for servers
--hashes|-#             Display progress with hashes, not with the byte counter
--buffer|-b             Buffer time in milliseconds (default: 36000000)
--skip|-k num           Skip num keyframes when looking for last keyframe to res
ume from. Useful if resume fails (default: 0)

--quiet|-q              Suppresses all command output.
--verbose|-V            Verbose command output.
--debug|-z              Debug level command output.
If you don't pass parameters for swfUrl, pageUrl, or auth these properties will
not be included in the connect packet.

not will play with you, because your version ( rtmpdump ) not support -k parameter

so my friend should use this version of rtmpdump because it support -K parameter

best wishes
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Old 12-08-2014, 12:13 PM
omsu111 omsu111 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 49
omsu111 is on a distinguished road

Re: error in rtmpdump

Originally Posted by alsersawy View Post
not will play with you, because your version ( rtmpdump ) not support -k parameter

so my friend should use this version of rtmpdump because it support -K parameter

best wishes

thnxs alsersawy
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