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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Streaming media recording forum > Audio stream recording > Problem recording from sound card: No Stereo Mix option
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Old 11-07-2009, 02:23 AM
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How to enable Stereo Mix in Windows 7(Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme & Realtek sound card)

For some time now I have been trying to use the old "stereo mix" or "what u hear" I had on my old PC with XP. I built a new rig, got a new sound card and put Windows Seven on it but could not find Stereo Mix. So I started using an external audio cable to use "Line In" as my recording device and it works BUT when I'm recording and there is no audio there is a loud hissing sound and it makes it not worth while.

So after messing around for a while I found out that my sound card just does not have that option so this is what I did next and where I am stumped.

What I did:
-I went into the Device Manager and disabled my Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio, so

-Now I am running all my audio through the High Definition Audio Device (jacks are on my motherboard)

-I downloaded the latest Realtek HD Audio Drivers and installed them and all of my Hardware Id's for Playback/Recording now read
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_11D4&DEV_198B&SUBSYS_1043829B& REV_1004

- And I rebooted, twice.

So at this point since I am not using my Sound Blaster anymore and I have the latest and greatest in HD Drivers, so why does "Stereo Mix" or similar not want to show up??

On recording devices I have 2 "Microphones" and "Line-In" but when I show Disabled/Disconnected devices the only other thing that comes up is "CD Audio". CD Audio does not work like Stereo Mix I already tried it.

I even tried to find a bunch of different registry value to enable (from YouTube tutorials) but I just don't have them because it might just be a Dell thing. Anyways they were:

So I am completely stumped. I can only think of one solution and that would be shelling out $100+ for a card that has Stereo Mix, but I'd rather not do that since so many people seem to have it with just the Windows HD Audio Device Driver.

Thank you for reading, and any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated because I'm all out!!
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Old 01-24-2010, 10:11 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to enable Stereo Mix in Windows 7(Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme & Realtek sound c

Try to follow general instructions first:
Missing sound recording option "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" / "Waveout mix"
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