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Old 10-04-2013, 01:03 AM
gorilla.maguila gorilla.maguila is offline
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Hey guys,

Do you know how to dump streamings?

It used to be possible to dump the streams getting a token from but not anymore. Although it's still possible to get a token the server closes the connection.

 rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -y vsoui5hx1do3qon -W --token "UYDk93k#09sdafjJDHJKAD873" --live --debug -p ""
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:58 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: dumping

try with
-T "I8772LDKksadhGHGagf#"
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:59 AM
hasomaso hasomaso is offline
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Re: dumping

test that

--token "I8772LDKksadhGHGagf#"
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Old 10-04-2013, 04:03 AM
gorilla.maguila gorilla.maguila is offline
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Re: dumping

Thanks @KSV

Is the token from the server.php response modified in the swf file?
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:18 AM
gorilla.maguila gorilla.maguila is offline
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Re: dumping

I answer myself. The token is obfuscated inside the swf.

I take the opportunity to ask you guys, how did you find the token? deobfuscating the swf? Or somehow you've found a method to reverse the process:

Recieve SecureToken()--->DecodeTEA()--->SendSecureResponse()

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Old 10-04-2013, 10:23 AM
Telofy Telofy is offline
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Re: dumping

I mostly just signed up to say thanks! The token from server.php still worked a few days ago; now it doesn’t seem to be as easy anymore.

In another thread, oelk said that you can find the token either by manipulating the code to output the calculated token, by using a debugger, or by using a “decryption” function in one’s own code.

Now I would like to be able to extract these tokens myself, but while I’m a software dev, I’m not versed in ActionScript/Flash programming. Are there any how-to guides, preferably for Linux, that describe the process? I’ve seen people in other threads ask the same question, but the search doesn’t seem to produce anything of the sort.
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Old 10-04-2013, 11:12 AM
gorilla.maguila gorilla.maguila is offline
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Re: dumping

I've been thinking on it and I guess the most simple, feasible way would be to dissamble the swf put a "print" and assemble again.

For example in's swf file we can see in assembly code:

 43   getproperty   	info //nameIndex = 249
 46   getproperty   	secureToken //nameIndex = 1823
 49   getlex        	undefined //nameIndex = 255
 52   ifeq          	L4

 56   getlocal0     	
 57   getproperty   	private::_connection //nameIndex = 239
 60   pushstring    	"secureTokenResponse"  //stringIndex = 2382
 63   pushnull      	
 64   getlex        	com.wowza.encryptionAS3::TEA //nameIndex = 1068
67   getscopeobject	1
69   getslot       	1
71   getproperty   	info //nameIndex = 249
74   getproperty   	secureToken //nameIndex = 1823
77   getlex        	_a_-_--- //nameIndex = 3047
80   pushint       	-1820302793	// 0x-6c7f9dc9
82   callproperty  	_a_--_-- (1) //nameIndex = 2444
86   coerce_s      	
87   callproperty  	decrypt (2) //nameIndex = 1782
91   callpropvoid  	call (3) //nameIndex = 195

Making a wild guess as I'm dont know match about actionscript translates to something like:

Code:"secureTokenResponse", null, TEA.decrypt(, 	_a_-_---(-1820302793)));
Where _a_-_---() it's an obfuscated function. And maybe we can put something like trace(_a_-_---(-1820302793)) in assembly to show the computed token. (I think this method would also apply for coolsport)

I also work in linux and unfortunately there isn't much, you can try JPEXS Decompiler though. The best I've found it's Adobe swf investigator

Last edited by gorilla.maguila : 10-04-2013 at 12:26 PM.
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Old 10-04-2013, 11:40 AM
Telofy Telofy is offline
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Re: dumping

Hmmhmm, JPEXS is what I used, and it gives me:

if( != undefined)
The whole file “” looks like this:

   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import flash.utils.ByteArray;
   import flash.utils.Endian;

   public class _a_-_--- extends Sprite
         var _loc1_:* = true;
         var _loc2_:* = false;

      public function _a_-_---() {
         var _loc1_:* = false;
         var _loc2_:* = true;

      private static var _a_--_-:Class = _a_-_-__;

      private static var _a_--_:Class = _a_-_;

      private static var _a_-__:Class = _a_---;

      private static var _a_-____:Array = new Array();

      private static var _a_----:Array = new Array();

      private static var _a_-___-:Boolean = false;

      private static var _a_--:int;

      private static function _a_-_--() : void {
         var _loc7_:* = false;
         var _loc8_:* = true;
         var _loc1_:ByteArray = new _a_--_-() as ByteArray;
         var _loc2_:ByteArray = new _a_--_() as ByteArray;
         var _loc3_:ByteArray = new _a_-__() as ByteArray;
         _loc3_.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
         _a_-- = _loc3_.readInt();
         var _loc4_:int = _loc2_.readByte();
         var _loc5_:* = 0;
         while(_loc5_ < _loc4_)
         _loc4_ = _loc1_.readInt();
         var _loc6_:* = 0;
         while(_loc6_ < _loc4_)
            _a_--__(_loc1_,_a_----[_loc6_ % _a_----.length]);
         _a_-___- = true;

      private static function _a_--__(param1:ByteArray, param2:ByteArray) : void {
         var _loc6_:* = false;
         var _loc7_:* = true;
         var _loc3_:int = param1.readInt();
         var _loc4_:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
         var _loc5_:_a_-_-_ = new _a_-_-_(param2);
         _loc4_.position = 0;

      private static function _a_-__-_(param1:ByteArray) : void {
         var _loc3_:* = false;
         var _loc4_:* = true;
         var _loc2_:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
         _loc2_.position = 0;

      public static function _a_--_--(param1:int) : String {
         var _loc2_:* = false;
         var _loc3_:* = true;
         return _a_-____[param1 ^ _a_--];

Welp. But if the OS is a problem, I can boot up a VM.

There were several “severe” errors during the decompilation, so I doubt the result plus print command could be recompiled again. Disassembling it seems like a good idea.
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Old 10-04-2013, 05:01 PM
gorilla.maguila gorilla.maguila is offline
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Re: dumping

The decompiled “” from JPEXS doesn't make much sense at least for me. I've been playing with the deobfuscated functions/classes from JPEXS in a flex compiler and the result is that:

(Following the flow of)

if( != undefined)
After function:

public static function _a_--_--(param1:int) : String {
         var _loc2_:* = false;
         var _loc3_:* = true;
         return _a_-____[param1 ^ _a_--];
receives the integer -1820302793 and then calls:

private static function _a_-_--() : void {
         var _loc7_:* = false;
         var _loc8_:* = true;
         var _loc1_:ByteArray = new _a_--_-() as ByteArray;
         var _loc2_:ByteArray = new _a_--_() as ByteArray;
         var _loc3_:ByteArray = new _a_-__() as ByteArray;
         _loc3_.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
         _a_-- = _loc3_.readInt();
         var _loc4_:int = _loc2_.readByte();
         var _loc5_:* = 0;
         while(_loc5_ < _loc4_)
         _loc4_ = _loc1_.readInt();
         var _loc6_:* = 0;
         while(_loc6_ < _loc4_)
            _a_--__(_loc1_,_a_----[_loc6_ % _a_----.length]);
         _a_-___- = true;
the execution fails miserably at:

 _a_-- = _loc3_.readInt();
As var _loc3_ is empty. Maybe JPEXS doesn't decompile the file in a proper way or maybe I'm missing something...

Next thing I'll try it's dissamble-->assemble with

Ideas Welcome.
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Old 10-04-2013, 05:54 PM
RedPenguin RedPenguin is offline
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Re: dumping

Well even though, my idea is going down a different path than you folks, I somewhat have found a way to get a fresh copy of the token on-the-fly.

I was looking at svnpenn's script which takes a Hulu video url into Firefox, memory dumps it, then searches said dump for parameters.

I noticed you can do the exact same thing with ilive and the token is in the dump, but I currently am having issues with the regex to spit out the token to place in rtmpdump.

It appears the token is always before the words "Connection succeeded" so I should just need a regex that says "give me the alphanumeric with some symbols string right before Connecton succeeded".

I using gawk, sed, curl, wget, etc having my script already getting the tcURL, swfurl, & playpath.

I know this isn't the greatest in the world way of doing it, but I know it's possible at least.
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