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Old 01-18-2010, 09:03 AM
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DRM removal tools for Amazon Kindle .AZW ebooks

Amazon sells content for the Kindle in an ".azw" format, some of which has digital rights management (DRM) technology, which prevents a file from being transferred to an unauthorized device.

Amazon's proprietary ".azw" format is derived from a format called Mobipocket, which came from a French company of the same name acquired by Amazon in 2005. The Mobipocket format is still relatively popular.

Igor Skochinsky, a hacker, discovered that books in the Mobipocket format with DRM protection could still be read on the Kindle. He developed, a python script, that allows to generate PID (a unique device-specific encryption key), used for Amazon Kindle .AZW ebooks. This allows Mobipocket books with DRM to be read on Amazon Kindle, so readers can buy Mobipocket books from other stores and read them on their Kindles.

The Dark Reverser, another another hacker, wrote, that allows to remove DRM protection from Mobipocket .MOBI and .RPC files. and combined allow to remove DRM protection from Amazon Kindle books.

But Amazon changed the encryption scheme when it released the Kindle for PC program, a freeware application that allows to read Amazon Kindle ebooks on PCs. Instead of using a single device encryption key for Kindle books, each book is now encrypted with a different key.

Everything else is the same though - works, you just need to figure out a different key for each book instead of a single key for every book.

Unswindle, developed by "I love cabbages", grabs that unique key for every book using Windows debugging APIs. It then hands all of the actual hard work of actual decryption to darkreverser's MobiDeDRM.

The files are then unencrypted Mobipocket files - which are similar to HTML files - which then can be converted to other e-book formats or PDF files using other tools, such as Calibre, one of the most popular tools among users of ebook readers.

A new version of Kindle for PC doesn't appear to interfere with Unswindle. Some users found Unswindle worked while others encountered errors.

The easiest way to remove DRM from Kindle .AZW files is by using a Calibre plug-in. If you use Kindle for PC, you don't even need to find PID, just add a DRM removal plug-in to Calibre, then drag-n-drop DRM protected .AZW ebooks onto it, and it will remove DRM protection.

Download Calibre DRM removal plug-ins and standalone DRM removal programs:
ebook DRM removal tools archive
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Old 02-12-2012, 07:10 PM
shanshan shanshan is offline
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Re: DRM removal tools for Amazon Kindle .AZW ebooks

strip kindle drm,bypass kindle drm , Epubor kindle drm removal:
DRM Tools Archive can easily strip or bypass kindle drm.
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