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Old 09-13-2011, 03:46 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

DRM Tools Archive v.4.7
Download DRM Tools Archive v.4.7 (7zip)
Download DRM Tools Archive v.4.7 (zip)
Contents of DRM Tools Archive ("tree /F" output)
│   ReadMe_First.txt
│   │   ineptepub_v5.6.pyw
│   │   ineptkey_v5.4.pyw
│   │   README_ineptepub.txt
│   │
│   └───Original_IHeart_Cabbages_Scripts
│           ineptepub_v5.2.pyw
│           ineptkey_v5.pyw
│       ineptkey_v5.4.pyw
│       ineptpdf_v7.10.pyw
│       README_ineptpdf.txt
│   │   ignobleepub_v3.4.pyw
│   │   ignoblekeygen_v2.3.pyw
│   │   README_ignoble_epub.txt
│   │
│   └───Original_IHeart_Cabbages_Scripts
│           ignobleepub.pyw
│           ignoblekey.pyw
│           ignoblekeygen.pyw
│       README-eReaderPDB2PML-plugin.txt
│       README-Ignobleepub-plugin.txt
│       README-Ineptepub-plugin.txt
│       README-Ineptpdf-plugin.txt
│       README-K4MobiDeDRM-plugin.txt
│       ReadMe_DeDRM_WinApp.txt
│   │   ePub_Fixer.pyw
│   │   README_ePub_Fixer.txt
│   │
│   └───lib
│   │   eReaderPDB2PML.pyw
│   │   eReaderPDB2PMLZ.pyw
│   │   Pml2HTML.pyw
│   │   README_eReaderPDB.txt
│   │
│   └───lib
│   │   KindleBooks.pyw
│   │   README_KindleBooks.txt
│   │
│   └───lib
│       kindle3.patch
│       ReadMe_K4Android.txt
    │   FindTopazEbooks.pyw
    │   Kindleizer.pyw
    │   KindlePID.pyw
    │   MobiDeDRM.pyw
    │   MobiML2HTML.pyw
    │   MobiUnpack.pyw
    │   README_Kindle_for_iPad_iPhone_iPodTouch.txt
    │   README_MobiUnpack_MobiML2HTML.txt
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Old 12-11-2011, 05:32 PM
iggy grey iggy grey is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

all these files are in .7z format and Calibre only reads .zip. Convert the 7z to zip or unpacking the 7z then zipping the files doesn't work. Some of the zips inside the fiels work but nothing else.

I'm trying to go from google ebooks and Adobe reader to kindle fire.

This is the error from Calibre:

calibre, version 0.8.30
ERROR: Unhandled exception: <b>InvalidPlugin</b>:The plugin in u'F:/Documents/My Dropbox/Dwnloads/tools_v4.7 (1).zip' is invalid. It does not contain a top-level file

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\preferences\", line 290, in add_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 339, in add_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 54, in load_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 160, in load
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 255, in _locate_code
InvalidPlugin: The plugin in u'F:/Documents/My Dropbox/Dwnloads/tools_v4.7 (1).zip' is invalid. It does not contain a top-level file
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Old 12-11-2011, 05:35 PM
iggy grey iggy grey is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

None of these 7z files can be read by calibre which only looks for zips for plug-ins. Unpacking from 7z and repacking as zip doesn't work. Some of the zip files inside the 7z work but nothing else.

calibre, version 0.8.30
ERROR: Unhandled exception: <b>InvalidPlugin</b>:The plugin in u'F:/Documents/My Dropbox/Dwnloads/tools_v4.7 (1).zip' is invalid. It does not contain a top-level file

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\preferences\", line 290, in add_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 339, in add_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 54, in load_plugin
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 160, in load
File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 255, in _locate_code
InvalidPlugin: The plugin in u'F:/Documents/My Dropbox/Dwnloads/tools_v4.7 (1).zip' is invalid. It does not contain a top-level file
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Old 12-14-2011, 06:20 PM
blitzkreig blitzkreig is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive


Had same problem here. I found I could import them in the Windows version of Calibre but not the Linux version. Linux version refused to recognize any of the plugin zip files for some reason. Copying the plugin files directly to the plugin directory also failed.

What worked was to import the files into Calibre on Windows, then copy the files to the plugin directory in Linux. When Calibre on Windows imports them it renames the files. It doesn't modify the files, as confirmed by checking the MD5 hash.

As an alternative, you should be able to manually rename the files and then copy them to the plugin directory in Linux. Calibre on Linux still won't import the renamed files, but it will use them if manually placed in the plugin directory. The names of the plugin files on my system after import in Windows are:

eReader PDB 2
Ignoble Epub
Inept Epub
Inept PDF
K4PC, K4Mac, Kindle Mobi and Topaz

My Calibre versions...
Windows: 0.8.30
Linux: 0.8.8

Good luck!

EDIT: I just went back and read that you're using v0.8.30, so I suppose it's the Windows version. My advice may be useless in this case, except to say.... Make sure you unzip the downloaded .7z archive, but DO NOT unzip the individual .zip files inside. It's those individual files you need to import into Calibre.
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Old 12-18-2011, 12:09 PM
mhikl mhikl is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

I am finding all this DRM stuff extremely difficult and always have. Started this study multiple times over the past year or two. I got here by chance and then I’m overwhelmed by the fact that someone has a moniker any ANONYMOUS forum user making it even more confusing. But that was probably his intention to begin with so someone has a smile on his mug , I guess.

I will take the time to get over it but in this part of the tech world, which is often more difficult for people like me , the thin elastic is near to snapping .

I have spent thousands of dollars on epub dram encrypted books, Stanza is dead, eReader is my only, painful resort, and I can’t even buy more books through Fictionwise or eReader so now I feel I have no choice but to learn this stuff. I hate iBook and such formatting (and it takes a lot for me to hate something). I like to be honest but when my back is against the wall, changes have to be made>(supposed to be devil emoticon)

And, usually the first post I make is full of hope and sick humour but any ANONYMOUS forum user has got my ire up, my dog is hiding in the laundry room, I’m high on caffein and e-cig juice (48 mg) and I have six more hours to go before the wife will unlock my liquor cabinet, and the night before her trip to church there’s no fooling around with that control-fanatic.

Shall charge on, though. The light may be dim but I am obstinate.

Last edited by mhikl : 12-18-2011 at 12:16 PM. Reason: emoticon explained
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Old 12-19-2011, 02:29 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

'any ANONYMOUS forum user' is just the name given to anyone who chooses to post anonymously. When you reply to this message,(by hitting the post reply button, not the quick reply option) just check the box at the top of the page and your post will also be posted anonymously.

With regards to your situation, i'm no expert, but I understand that most ebook DRM is hackable, google 'calibre DRM tools apprenticealf' or some combination thereof to find the relevent material, theres probably also so decent threads here.
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Old 12-23-2011, 08:26 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

I think you folks are over-engineering this, especially if you use calibre.

Do this:
1. Download the full .7z archive and unpack the contents. You'll get a bunch of directories, including one called "Calibre_Plugins"
2. Go in the "Calibre_Plugins" directory and you will see a bunch of zip files, with a companion read me file for each.
3. Now go into Calibre and go into Preferences and then Plugins.
4. Click on "Load plugin from file" and navigate to the "Calibre_Plugins" directory that was created in Step 1 and select a plugin, accepted the buttons as they come.
5. Repeat step 4 for all the plugins you want to load.
6. Expand the "File type plugins" in Calibre (same location as step 3) and you will see each of the plugins you just loaded.
7. Click on a plugin and select the "Customize plugin" button at the bottom and do whatever was indicated for that plugin via the readme file in step 2.
8. Now you can use Calibre and import your DRM protected book.
9. Select your DRM protected book and use Calibre to "Convert" it - you can select the same format if you like (ie epub [ebook] to epub) and let it run.
10. When the conversion finishes, your old ebook will be renamed to a new "original_epub" and you'll have a new epub also, which will be unprotected.

Pretty simple, actually...
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Old 12-27-2011, 02:03 PM
travisnj travisnj is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

Can anyone please tell me how I can find my PID if I am only using Kindle for Mac? I don't have a serial number and I cannot find anywhere how to locate your PID for a Soft Reader.. If I had a Kindle hardware reader than I could easily find it...

Thank you in advance for your answer
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Old 01-03-2012, 04:12 AM
CrazyScientist CrazyScientist is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

Hi there,
I just patched my Kindle for Android v. using the supplied patch. In the AboutDialog I get a nice list of PIDs, but
when I try to remove the encryption with KindleBooks.pyw on my 64-bit Linux it fails:
Conversion Log

Command = "python"
Kindle/Mobi Path = "/media/disk/kindle/B004TTHLKU_EBOK.prc"
Output Directory = "/tmp/" file = ""
PID list = "F202BA3B,aSgqQAKc,9uaLwCaA,JH34HQtQ"
Serial Number list = ""

Please Wait ...

K4MobiDeDrm v3.7
Error: No key found. Most likely the correct PID has not been given.
DRM Removal Failed.

K4MobiDeDrm v3.7 provided by the work of many including DiapDealer, SomeUpdates, IHeartCabbages, CMBDTC, Skindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, etc .
MobiDeDrm v0.32. Copyright 2008-2011 The Dark Reverser et al.
MOBI header version = 6, length = 232
Extra Data Flags = 10
Processing Book: Die Bräute des Satans: Historischer Roman
Crypto Type is: 2

Error: Encryption Removal Failed
On 32-bit WinXP the script fails, too:

Conversion Log

Command = "python"
Kindle/Mobi Path = "C:\ebooks\B004TTHLKU_EBOK.prc"
Output Directory = "C:\ebooks\" file = ""
PID list = "F202BA3B,aSgqQAKc,9uaLwCaA,JH34HQtQ"
Serial Number list = ""

Please Wait ...

K4MobiDeDrm v3.7
Error: No key found. Most likely the correct PID has not been given.
DRM Removal Failed.

K4MobiDeDrm v3.7 provided by the work of many including DiapDealer, SomeUpdates, IHeartCabbages, CMBDTC, Skindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, etc .
MobiDeDrm v0.32. Copyright 2008-2011 The Dark Reverser et al.
MOBI header version = 6, length = 232
Extra Data Flags = 10
Processing Book: Die Bräute des Satans: Historischer Roman
No files have not been found.
No K4PC 1.5.X .kinf files have not been found.
No K4PC 1.6.X .kinf files have not been found.
Crypto Type is: 2

Error: Encryption Removal Failed
Do I need the K4PC app to actually remove the encryption??

Last edited by CrazyScientist : 01-03-2012 at 05:10 AM. Reason: Supplemental
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Old 01-23-2012, 03:35 PM
playfuldog playfuldog is offline
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Re: Download DRM Tools Archive

When trying to download the following - both locations say file not found. Are there updates?

Download DRM Tools Archive v.4.7 (7zip)

Download DRM Tools Archive v.4.7 (zip)
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