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Old 09-25-2008, 11:03 AM
katmando katmando is offline
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When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

I notice in the initial name of the video being captured use of "320" which I assume Replay Media Catcher is referring to the frame size (and quality). When the download is completed, the file is automatically renamed appropritately.

So, since there would be no reason for CMT to use "320" in it's naming scheme unless there was a higher quality video available (460) ... how do I get the program to download the highest quality video available?
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Old 09-25-2008, 01:44 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

Replay Media Catcher records the stream that you can see on the screen. If you know how to play videos of higher quality from CMT, you will be able to record them.

But actually online videos are more like previews that should be used to make educated purchases of high quality videos.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:55 AM
katmando katmando is offline
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

Hmmm, okay if you say so. And thanks for the lesson in morality!

Last edited by katmando : 09-26-2008 at 05:23 AM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 11:04 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

I didn't say No. I just have no idea how to watch higher quality videos on this web-site.

You are welcome. What you do to people they will do to you. It is karma So it is always a good idea to support artists that you really like.
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Old 09-27-2008, 04:55 PM
katmando katmando is offline
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
You are welcome. What you do to people they will do to you. It is karma So it is always a good idea to support artists that you really like.
Please, enough of your high horse preaching. You know nothing about me, you have no idea who I support and how I do it. If the truth were known, I problem could be giving you a talk about morality.

Lets just keep these personal comments to ourselves ... shall we? The programs supported on this site make any comment like those you offered seem a bit hypercritical. I mean they are designed to rip videos from sites that do not wish them ripped. Are you catching my drift here?
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Old 09-28-2008, 09:06 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

Katmando, based on nature of this site we need to stress (legally) what recording software can and SHOULD be used for. (Can and should are two different things, after-all)

Take Stream Recorder's recommendation with a grain of salt, nobody is accusing you of any wrong-doing...we're just looking out for you (legally), and looking out for our site as well.

By recommending that people purchase audio and video they like, we cover our own backs and keep this website up and running to help out you and other audio/video 'consumers'. It's nothing personal, I promise.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
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Old 09-30-2008, 01:40 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

There was really nothing personal in the posts. I just stated my opinion. You are free not to accept it. Most web-sites that need their content to be protected from stream recording software, can easily do that. And we will provide them recommendations on their requests.

Streaming audio and video was designed to offer faster playback for users. And it doesn't nesessarily mean that content owners would like their content to be unrecordable. Besides streaming audio and video is of low quality in most cases. Many fans buy audio/video products and we support this.
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Old 09-30-2008, 05:54 PM
katmando katmando is offline
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Re: When download from CMT with RMC how to get rip the video with the highest quality

That had nothing whatsoever to do with my initial question. I simply wanted to know if there was a way to have RMC capture (download) the highest quality video available on a given site.

Nowhere in that question was I suggesting or implying that I wanted to obtain video reproduction that would be "for sale" by the given site, the recording company or by the artist.

Now you can "spin" my question and the ridiculous accusations that followed any way you wish to make yourselves look good in the eyes of whomever you choose. Makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever.

I will again point out that if these sites don't care about people downloading the videos they present online, then it would behoove them to make it simple to obtain them without the assistance of any outside software. These videos are not made available to the public by these sites because: (1) they have not obtained legal permission to do so; and (2) because, simply put, marketing revenue is based on traffic (visits to the site).
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