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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Streaming media recording forum > Audio stream recording > Problem recording from sound card: No Stereo Mix option
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:52 PM
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I don't have Windows 7 Stereo Mixer. What are my recording options?

I don't have Windows 7 Stereo Mixer. I'm trying to record sound to no avail. Windows 7 gives me so much troubles. I hate microsoft for their marketing. I wish they invested these money into making really good products instead of making us unhappy after believing in their ads.

I've spend several weeks researching how to enable my Windows 7 stereo mixer and still didn't manage to do it. I tried to search with google and bing. Here are only some of the keywords that I have tried:
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No Stereo Mix Available
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Stereo Mix Unavailable
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Stereo Mix Recording Option
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wave out mix windows xp
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wave out issue
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Audacity Mixer bar Input grayed out.
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How to record from 'Stereo Mix'
How to record from 'Stereo Mix' vista
How to record from 'Stereo Mix' windows 7
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what you hear option
record what you hear vista
record what you hear window 7
I have tried every possible driver, but still no luck. How on earth can I make my Stereo Mix working in Windows 7???
What are my sound card recording options in Windows 7 if this is possible at all?
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Old 02-24-2010, 09:49 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: I don't have Windows 7 Stereo Mixer. What are my recording options?

In Windows 7, Vista or XP you can try to enable your Stereo Mix (stereo mixer) from the Control Panel, by updating drivers and installing alternative drivers:
Missing sound recording option "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" / "Waveout mix"

Please note that for some computers there are no drivers enabling the Stereo Mix. And without such a drive, you can't just enable it in the control panel of Windows 7.

But there other recording options in Windows 7. You can use software that doesn't need the Stereo Mixer for recording (many programs are compatible with Windows 7):
Audio/video recording software that allows to record sound without WaveOut/Stereo Mix (Windows 7, Vista, XP)
Please note that there are sound recording programs, video capture programs that can record without stereo mix, so you will probably be able to solve all of your Windows 7 problems.
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