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Old 05-21-2014, 07:41 AM
nAtic nAtic is offline
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what does rtmpdump?

hey guys,

i have a general security question about rtmpdump.

maybe you've heard about the new HTML5 encrypted media extension, where there is a support for a clear key (among others).

the security issue with it seems to be, that it is transfered as plain text.

i know encryption for DRM is futile (due to the reciepient beeing also the attacker) and my question is:

does rtmpdump somehow crack the keys for the rtmpe stream, or does it just pose as a valid reciepient and gets everything handed to it?

because i feel like the keys do not matter, because they are not needed for a circumvention with a tool like rtmpdump...
they are definately not needed for screen-capture tools....
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