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Old 08-02-2011, 11:39 PM
Posts: n/a

DabbleBoard - online collaboration application that's centered around the whiteboard

Dabbleboard is an online collaboration application that’s centered around the whiteboard. With a new type of drawing interface that's actually easy and fun to use, Dabbleboard gets out of your way and just lets you draw. Finally the whiteboard enters the digital age!

Who uses Dabbleboard?
Dabbleboard is used by anyone that uses a real whiteboard, in business and education. Our users include designers, developers, consultants, salespeople, teachers, students, etc.

What makes Dabbleboard different?
Their innovative interface lets you draw almost as naturally as you would on a real whiteboard, enabling you to quickly and spontaneously share your ideas.

Is this for web conferencing?
Sort of. You can conduct presentations, chat, and -of course- whiteboard with Dabbleboard.

Why do I need a whiteboard?
We need verbal as well as visual means to communicate effectively. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a whiteboard lets you draw pictures quickly.
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