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Old 04-05-2015, 12:56 AM
James Halpert James Halpert is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 24
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cURL'ing streaming website > rtmpdump

Much thanks to the vast information of knowledge on this forum I've been able to use KSV's awesome RTMPdump binaries from GitHub and I've been able to set up one of my Ubuntu Server's with rtmpsrv to grab flash videos which I have open in a Firefox Web Browser.

I am very fluent in Bash/RegEx/PHP but quite honestly I am rough around the edges when it comes to using cURL with cookies based authentication. What I'd like to do is be able to cURL a website with streaming flash videos and mimic from terminal the operations which occur when you open a flash video in FireFox.

So I'm just curious what you guys would think should be my next step, biting the bullet and learning cURL with cookies authentication, using a terminal based web browser somehow such as Lynx, or if there is any other tools available that might help me.

Basically I'm looking to automate recording of specific streams from various sites to act as my own "TiVo of streaming flash media". I already have parsed out one domain's landing page to round up each individual URL where the flash video is displayed, so I basically feel I got 90% of the process worked out and just need a little advice to reach my end goal I appreciate any feedback, and let me know if I'm not making any sense with what I'm looking for as I can elaborate further.
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