Hello people, I'm new to the forum and really not sure if this is something for this forum or not, but searching on the internet I found the forum and decided to ask about this, I'm kinda new to this and not sure how this works.
I have a Satellite TV receiver that can record and it saves the video on .ts files inside folders, together with 2 .dvr files.
and it contains the files
When I record FTA channels (This are the channels that are "open") I can see the file on my PC with no problem.
The problem comes when I record channels that get "decrypted" (I guess that's the word) by the device using keys that it receives from either internet or another satellite (Hope you know what I'm talking about, it's IKS and SKS)
This files I can watch again on the device, but not on my PC. I guess I need to get the keys again somehow, or decrypt it with some method, not sure.
Well, hope somebody can help me. Any other information you need, or if you need me to upload the problematic file somewhere, just let me know.