ok , so i have the address and i got the dynamic token using winhex . but when i put the code together below it still doesnt work in xbmc/kodi. the other ones work that have basic token. i know that the token only last for a short time but i cant get it to play at all from ilive or other websites.
rtmp://watch1.streamlive.to:1935/edge/_definst_/?xs=_we_dHVjMjgwcmJ5Y3duc3ZzfDE0MTg5NjIzNzd8MjQuMj MxLjQ5LjIwN3w1NDkzMTkyOTM2OTEzfDgzODUzYTM4YmVmMDE1 YzU0ZGIxZDMyNzU5NWM2MGQ2MTliMDViODI.<playpath>tuc2 80rbycwnsvs <swfUrl>
http://www.streamlive.to/ads/player_ilive.swf <pageUrl>