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Old 03-24-2015, 06:41 PM
MaxBlum MaxBlum is offline
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Can someone explain to me how to download ESPN3 and YahooScreen streams?

Im brand new to this site and was wondering if I could get some help ripping some streams from and YahooScreen. I used to use StreamTransport but it no longer works. Thanks
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Old 04-04-2015, 09:23 PM
Vex Vex is offline
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Re: Can someone explain to me how to download ESPN3 and YahooScreen streams?

well i know youtube-dl works for yahooscreen becuase ive download 3000 snl skits from there, dont know or care about espn but, you can try youtube-dl there too, there is easier to use windows executable

1. download youtube-dl move it to its own folder, make a copy of it on desktop
2. make a shortcut of Windows Run command on desktop
3. open run command shortcut, type cmd you should now have a black command prompt
4. drag youtube-dl file on to the black area of the command prompt (it cant be a shortcut it has to be the main file)
5. press space once on command prompt area so your exactly one space away from the end of youtube-dl address
6. go in your web browser find the video you want highlight and copy
7. now click back on the command prompt window so it has window priority and right click paste
8. now press enter on keyboard and if its a downloadable link it will start downloading
9. videos go to C Drive-Users- Your User Name Folder

there is a way to download multiple links with a text file and the -a command followed by dragging the text file with all the links (one per line) onto the command prompt window

drag youtube-dl to command prompt
press space
type -a
press space
drag text file on command prompt
press enter
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Old 04-04-2015, 09:28 PM
Vex Vex is offline
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Re: Can someone explain to me how to download ESPN3 and YahooScreen streams?

youtube-dl automatically downloads the best quality and resolution of the video your trying to get

Here's is the webpage that lists all the supported sites
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