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Old 02-21-2013, 10:05 PM
Downloader Downloader is offline
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Can Anyone Help Me With This?

Hi guys, I have another request. Anyone up for a challenge? This one may be a little tricky, if it's even possible. Can anyone show me how to download this TV episode from Hulu?

But here's the catch: the episode was taken down from the site and can no longer be viewed. Is there any possible way of finding a copy of it and downloading it? Maybe the file still exists somewhere on Hulu's server. Here's the link to the expired video:

I will be extremely grateful for any help. Thanks so much!
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Old 02-22-2013, 02:13 AM
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Re: Can Anyone Help Me With This?

Well, the problem is - they most likely removed it from their server as well . So even if we could view the cached page in google - the video itself would be on their server and the cached link would not play it

So yeah, great challenge - lol - I'll be interested to see if anybody CAN do this
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Old 02-22-2013, 11:53 PM
Downloader Downloader is offline
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Re: Can Anyone Help Me With This?

I have something that may be a bit easier than my first request. The episode I need is also on a website called Vudu. The thing is, it costs money to have access to the whole episode.

But on the Wal-Mart website, you can preview the episode and watch the first two minutes of it. Is there any way of using the preview video to try and figure out how to access the full video?

It would be fantastic if you could also find a way for me to download it, but it would be just fine if I could just stream it. Here's the link to the preview video:
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