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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 08-07-2011, 08:04 PM
ricg777 ricg777 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 3
ricg777 is on a distinguished road

Big companies are cheating on us by using DRM & preventing us from fair use of music

clearly we have found the music we paid for is locked up by the seller or middle man so we can only access it via our mobile phone. I only paid 2 x $5 for 2 x video hits, and wanted to play them on speakers off my pc, not my headphones. Clearly we have all lost our money and learned a valuable lesson ! if that mobile phone suite is bigger than windows operating system itself "dont use it" it is not for our purposes, but for Nokia, Sony Errickson and alike, it is only designed to cheat us>

Secondly, I am amazed how resourceful many here are, and I also googled "wtf drm" and ended up doing alike "dumb things". We have all been cheated by the system, and while I spent endless hours trying to resolve this, my neighbour laughed and in 10 minutes had downloaded pirate copies from limewire? or something!! I own that music, paid $10 and the pirates of technology picked my pocket, now my neighbour is my new friend and I have the full albums and can play the music I purchased on my iPod! my ipod and the sound is 10 times better than what i paid for, to hear on my mobile with 50 cent earpods.

Finally, we got ripped off by the system, the system is wrong, liars, cheats and blaggards, we deserve better "fight back" learn, dont let this happen to you, dont give them the opportunity to cheat you. recently itunes has finally freed up their restrictive policy so you can download tunes to your pc not just your ipod, you can chose to have itunes on your mobile device, remember "use itunes" and trust no one else , the big companies are prostiutes, except with real prostitutes "when you pay, you get screwed in a nice way"
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