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Old 02-19-2012, 08:39 AM
mferris77 mferris77 is offline
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Anyone know how RTMPExplorer actually works?

I don't mean "how do I use it" (it works fine for me) but how does it actually hook into rtmpsrv/rtmpsuck?

I have a fairly unique situation in which i'm trying to grab a few seconds of video from a set of live video streams in a scheduled/automated fashion. I can get by with the usual methods if I have to, but being able to hook into rtmpsuck and have my FLV automatically saved would be a big time saver. I'm guessing the "EasyHook" dlls are a key element but I'm not sure where to start.

Why not just use RTMPExplorer, you say? Well, because I don't actually need the browser element (or at least I don't need/want it to be visible) since the feeds will be accessed every 'n' seconds/minutes and I don't want the RTMPExplorer app popping up continuously. Not only that, but because these are live feeds, RTMPSRV doesn't work, I need to use RTMPSUCK.

Like I said, I can get by with the standard methods if I have to, but if anyone on these forums has a little nugget of knowledge regarding the inner workings of RTMPExplorer/hooking into rtmpsuck they can throw my way it would certainly help with my little project.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:01 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: Anyone know how RTMPExplorer actually works?

RtmpExplorer hooks two functions of winsock send and recv. if any of the packet's destination port is 1935 it redirects it to localhost where rtmpsrv or rtmpsuck is listening.
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Old 02-21-2012, 05:11 PM
Sk1px Sk1px is offline
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Re: Anyone know how RTMPExplorer actually works?

I have decompiled RTMPexplorer and created a project with full source code in C# a while ago (I wanted to modify the UI). If you want I can give it to you but only if you promise me to give your tool when you have finished.
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Old 02-22-2012, 07:43 AM
mferris77 mferris77 is offline
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Re: Anyone know how RTMPExplorer actually works?

Thanks for the offer but I'm not familiar with C# code. I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that I'm programming in AutoIt, which is a derivative of Visual Basic. Since I made this post I actually found a way to do what I wanted to (in theory, I haven't started programming it yet). Using tshark, which is a command line version of Wireshark (and comes with the wireshark install), I can capture the packet information to a text file and then parse that for the appropriate information. If there's any interest in that I could post the program when it's done.
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Old 02-22-2012, 07:55 AM
svnpenn svnpenn is offline
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Re: Anyone know how RTMPExplorer actually works?

Yeah I would like to see it.
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