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anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?the link is : (live stream) i have tried lots of software but no luck... see if anyone helps.. thanks! |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?I think it's geo-located that's why there is not any player visible.
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?Thanks...
the problem is it can run in my location, but it's looks like rtmpe format and did anybody give me some ideas how to capture this? tried wireshark and captured packets but no ideas to grab the link inside (although I have experience on capturing ustream/ |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?Use StreamTransport or rtmpexplorer in order to find rtmp(e) link, then we can write rtmpdump script!!
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?thanks for info.
but both streamstransport and rmtpexplorer make no response when that url : ( entered.. but when I use coojah to that link .. I've got an xml file (let me highlight some of them , I think that maybe the "clue") url link : 728477 xml returned: <RESULT><resultcode>0</resultcode><resultmessage>Success</resultmessage><type>content</type><filename/><hqfilename/><html5streamurl> id=webch015&viewtype=F&orderid=null&machineid=null &service_type=channel&lang_code=&np_id=null&token= 346F28480AF5BBA08D1F48EE90D2F7BEA4F77191CBBEDA1E90 9A0F472FC637E33260EBED6F0DE802DF28F399F380E18DC787 04C0EC281A93D02BC9C860AFA397DCF5DE3B1D1E1EAA151601 ED49A32007A50154C81FC80AEB34AF1B425113073769C86E02 E946FDA80181DDFCAB6A240A541F4A5B8BDA8B766333394AB2 DD89ABA1038FC5844675E34EBD308D3E86535335EFD4D08BEA 38C5754C5B7DD216923C6F2228F010F637731CDCB13AD62F62 5EB4B9E041EB0DA3A0C76C492398F1C2FDC07B97E10D660537 400B6729E059EF5AA3F261EA3044505ECE6D6CCA17642A9C&s treamname=webch015</html5streamurl><html5streamurlhq> pe=channel&lang_code=&np_id=null&token=346F28480AF 5BBA08D1F48EE90D2F7BEA4F77191CBBEDA1E909A0F472FC63 7E33260EBED6F0DE802DF28F399F380E18DC78704C0EC281A9 3D02BC9C860AFA397DCF5DE3B1D1E1EAA151601ED49A32007A 50154C81FC80AEB34AF1B425113073769C86E02E946FDA8018 1DDFCAB6A240A541F4A5B8BDA8B766333394AB2DD89ABA1038 FC5844675E34EBD308D3E86535335EFD4D08BEA38C5754C5B7 DD216923C6F2228F010F637731CDCB13AD62F625EB4B9E041E B0DA3A0C76C492398F1C2FDC07B97E10D660537400B6729E05 9EF5AA3F261EA3044505ECE6D6CCA17642A9C&streamname=webch015</html5streamurlhq><pid>webch015</pid><hashorderid>null</hashorderid><loginid>null</loginid><npid>null</npid><viewtype>F</viewtype><token>346F28480AF5BBA08D1F48EE90D2F7BEA4F77191CBB EDA1E909A0F472FC637E33260EBED6F0DE802DF28F399F380E 18DC78704C0EC281A93D02BC9C860AFA397DCF5DE3B1D1E1EA A151601ED49A32007A50154C81FC80AEB34AF1B42511307376 9C86E02E946FDA80181DDFCAB6A240A541F4A5B8BDA8B76633 3394AB2DD89ABA1038FC5844675E34EBD308D3E86535335EFD 4D08BEA38C5754C5B7DD216923C6F2228F010F637731CDCB13 AD62F625EB4B9E041EB0DA3A0C76C492398F1C2FDC07B97E10 D660537400B6729E059EF5AA3F261EA3044505ECE6D6CCA176 42A9C</token><machineid>null</machineid><streamUrl>rtmpte://</streamUrl><serviceType>channel</serviceType><langCode/><hasHQ>false</hasHQ><hasAVP/><avpUrl/><service>now360</service></RESULT> any comments are welcome. |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?Run this and paste here verbose log:
rtmpdump -V -r "rtmpte://" -a "liveEdge/" -W "" -p "" --live -y "now360" -o now360.flv |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?rtmpdump -V -r "rtmpte://" -a "liveEdge/" -W "" -p "" --live -y "now360" -o now360.flv
RTMPDump v2.4 (c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL DEBUG: Parsing... DEBUG: Parsed protocol: 3 DEBUG: Parsed host : DEBUG: Parsed app : liveEdge DEBUG: Protocol : RTMPTE DEBUG: Hostname : DEBUG: Port : 80 DEBUG: Playpath : now360 DEBUG: tcUrl : rtmpte:// DEBUG: swfUrl : DEBUG: pageUrl : DEBUG: app : liveEdge/ DEBUG: live : yes DEBUG: timeout : 30 sec DEBUG: SWFSHA256: DEBUG: 3e 87 43 9f 36 7f 48 4b 3a f8 ee 11 2e b0 c8 7a DEBUG: 37 ef 38 f9 c3 e1 ca b9 6a bf 36 18 b9 94 c4 38 DEBUG: SWFSize : 357609 DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms Connecting ... DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 06 DEBUG: HandShake: DH pubkey position: 472 DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 1383 DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest: DEBUG: 37 b4 7f 96 a8 3f c4 a0 d6 f1 72 8d 96 fc 52 0d DEBUG: 5b 1d 9a 9a 05 85 29 8a 30 46 23 f7 d7 85 22 ff DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer : 06 DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 347799724 DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version : DEBUG: HandShake: Server DH public key offset: 300 DEBUG: HandShake: Secret key: DEBUG: 85 e3 cc 9e 06 00 d0 b6 d5 ea ac 6d 39 99 52 4f DEBUG: 0a 20 3b d9 25 4e e5 7e f0 03 c2 df c3 b3 76 c0 DEBUG: 44 04 ee ad de 6d bb 44 41 6e 91 b8 ba 3d 2e bb DEBUG: a4 08 28 f9 5e 1e b0 37 f4 6f b0 05 80 e9 fa 24 DEBUG: 61 e0 58 02 4e 7b fb 36 09 42 4e 3e 36 d0 60 e8 DEBUG: 2e 5b 25 f7 0e fd 0c 5d ac 8c c2 80 22 1a 60 f6 DEBUG: 9d b8 c7 3a d1 ab 69 87 cf 90 41 37 95 4f 20 17 DEBUG: 1e 17 4e 1a 4a 9b ff 20 9e 05 9d 95 e4 35 cd f8 DEBUG: RC4 Out Key: DEBUG: f3 86 2b 13 9f b3 af da a6 ed c8 2e d0 0a 57 2c DEBUG: RC4 In Key: DEBUG: e4 51 ad 17 3c c3 86 c1 f2 42 43 54 bb 5c 17 96 DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest: DEBUG: 70 f1 fb 6e 0d 49 04 f0 d7 18 ab b3 ec c4 01 a3 DEBUG: 7e 57 c0 ca 40 ff 79 7d 4b f9 e9 69 cf 8d 6b 34 DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated: DEBUG: 6e 02 9a 86 8e 19 d1 7b 43 07 ba f7 cb 61 02 a1 DEBUG: e6 a3 a9 35 57 93 41 9e e1 38 ea 03 36 0e f1 ed DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature: DEBUG: d6 7f 89 96 6b 41 1e d1 47 58 00 4d c7 8b 5b 8d DEBUG: 91 d4 53 a7 07 22 83 a6 b3 2a 56 b6 b2 16 c4 e6 DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key: DEBUG: 17 1c 6e 8f 1e 82 8a 19 46 c8 03 57 25 cd 02 01 DEBUG: 03 0a 17 c3 8a a9 7b f4 42 06 3b 2e 91 a4 3d ee DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated: DEBUG: d6 7f 89 96 6b 41 1e d1 47 58 00 4d c7 8b 5b 8d DEBUG: 91 d4 53 a7 07 22 83 a6 b3 2a 56 b6 b2 16 c4 e6 DEBUG: HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished.... DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked DEBUG: Invoking connect INFO: Connected... DEBUG: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000 DEBUG: HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2 DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 240 bytes DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: <Name: fmsVer, STRING: FMS/3,5,4,210> DEBUG: Property: <Name: capabilities, NUMBER: 127.00> DEBUG: Property: <Name: mode, NUMBER: 1.00> DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: status> DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Success> DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Connection succeeded.> DEBUG: Property: <Name: objectEncoding, NUMBER: 0.00> DEBUG: Property: <Name: data, OBJECT> DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: <Name: version, STRING: 3,5,4,210> DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result> DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <connect> DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0003 DEBUG: Invoking createStream DEBUG: FCSubscribe: now360 DEBUG: Invoking FCSubscribe DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 245 bytes DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: NULL DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: error> DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Rejected> DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Connection failed.> DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: [ Server.Reject ] : Adaptor: _defaultRoot_, VHost:, App: liveEdge/_definst_, (onConnect call failed)> DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_error> ERROR: rtmp server sent error DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 18 bytes DEBUG: (object begin) DEBUG: Property: NULL DEBUG: (object end) DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <close> ERROR: rtmp server requested close DEBUG: Closing connection. |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?I think script needs token!!
Anyway, Did you use that specific version of StreamTransport? and what about rtmpexplorer + rtmpsuck (instead of rtmpsrv)? |
Re: anybody know how to rtmpdump this video link?Tried StreamTransport and (the latest)
website can comes out but nothing appear on the bottom window box (tried youtube/ustream/ shows ok) |
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