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Old 11-16-2005, 03:39 AM
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AllOfMp3 - the cheapest legal music download service?

Have you tried AllOfMP3 (it is free to try)? What do you think about it? Are you satisfied by the choice of music at AllOfMp3? Is it really the cheapest legal music download service?
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Old 11-22-2005, 12:24 PM
Hubs Hubs is offline
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Not the cheapest but maybe the best

Allmp3 maybe the best because of the multiple codec's you can download in and its extensive library. But the cheapest is another russian music service
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Old 11-23-2005, 04:50 AM
Stream Recorder
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Originally Posted by Hubs
AllOfMP3 maybe the best because of the multiple codec's you can download in and its extensive library. But the cheapest is another russian music service MusicMP3
MusicMP3 uses fixed bitrate only (192 kbps mainly), mp3 format only. And they have much fewer songs. Plus you have to transfer $20 by credit card to use their service (or may be you use e-Gold like I do?)
Besides AllOfMP3 has been on the market for years.
But mp3s at musicmp3 are twice cheaper! musicmp3 is well worth of being added to the list of music download services at !

Thanx for the link, Hubs!

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-23-2005 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:49 AM
Hubs Hubs is offline
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I reserve the right to agree but disagree / lol

Your Welcome! I agree allofmp3 is the all around better service for a true audiophile. For myself even with all the options allofmp3 offers. I believe I will only download at 192kbs cbr. It is just a compromise between file size , quality and compatiblility with all mp3 players. So the fact that MusicMP3 is cheaper makes it a better choice for me if I am going to pay for music.
Mostly I use Replay Music in combination with Rhapsody and capture their 128 kbs stream right from my sound card.
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Old 11-30-2005, 12:48 PM
Stream Recorder
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Lately I was completely satisfied with 128 kbps MP3s. Now I think 192 kbps MP3 is a minimum.

I rip CDs to 192 kbps AAC files. I wanna save some disk space so I don't use lossless codecs like FLAC or OptimFrog.

The major problems of MusicMp3 for me until now were (sorry, but I have to repeat):
1. I don't trust it yet 'coz it is rather new and I don't wanna lose any money (I use allofmp3 for ages).
2. $20 min transfer.

As for bitrate, it is rather OK especially for portable devices. But it is always good to burn a CD from a lossless codec to listen on a good standalone player.
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Old 05-31-2006, 01:12 AM
Stream Recorder
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MusicMP3 is the service I prefer now

MusicMP3 has deserved my trust. I'm completely satisfied with it. And 'coz I'm glad to be able to pay with e-Gold I've changed my mind and prefer to use it instead of AllOfMP3 now.

p.s. Time doesn't stand still, so as my mind
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Old 01-28-2007, 01:43 AM
Stream Recorder
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Is MusicMP3, AllOfMp3 legal?

It is a controversial question whether MusicMP3 and AllOfMp3 are legal or not. Both services claim that they pay to the artists through the ROMS organization and they work without any violation of the Russian laws. It is very hard to check whether ROMS pays anything or not.

Due to the controversy about the legality of these music services, I've decided to remove editor's recommendations for the services. I prefer to suggest 100% legal services.

eMusic is my first choice. It provides cheap music and it doesn't copy-protect music files so you can listen to the purchased music on any device you have.

Yahoo Music is another music service I can recommend. Its subscription model provides very cheap tunes. Although they're DRM protected and you can listen to them on the limited number of portable devices. And you won't be able to listen to the music after your subscription ends.
However you can remove DRM protection (copy-protection), but DRM removal software is intended to make fairuse backups for the purchased tracks, so I don't really support DRM removal from subcsription-based music files.
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