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Old 12-02-2011, 06:56 PM
hagakure.s81 hagakure.s81 is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

Originally Posted by darlenevile View Post
I must say how disappointed I was with the lack of helpful info online concerning this program. There were so many responses on various message boards that were links to or copies of the Akamai site's terribly vague faq. Obviously, the program's own website will tell you it's safe and necessary. We're looking for people's personal experience or direct knowledge of the program to give us an unbiased opinion on what Akamai really is, and if it's safe.
Signed, Darlene
Couldn't agree more. Was getting a bit annoyed with looking for answers myself and people just posting links back to the Akamai homepage as a viable answer...

Anyway, from what i can tell it isn't in itself a malicious program. However, it installed itself on my computer, and unlike some other people here i hadn't done any downloading of anything at all, so kinda confused by that.
Seems its peer-to-peer software, and while that may mean faster downloads from akamai supported services, it also means other people will be downloading those same files from you. meaning, there goes your bandwidth allowance without you being aware of it. If you are on limited bandwidth per month, this isn't a good thing.
Also, the potential for abuse seems pretty high really imho..

Now if you are not sure if you want it or not, there is another option.
If you go to control panel and see the akamai interface there, you can go to preferences and disable uploading. That way no-one will be downloading from you without your knowledge.
I'm using win7 and it was listed under Akamai Netsession Interface Control Panel
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Old 12-06-2011, 03:05 PM
Benn Benn is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

My 'Akamai NetSession Interface Control Panel' is a little bogus and doesn't have the 'disable uploading' that you mention. I'm running Vista64 and that 'control panel' appears in the '32 bit control panel.' I say bogus because there are no real settings to make. If you click "Stop" it will run when you turn on your computer again.

So the software gets installed surreptitiously, and it runs every time your machine turns on, rather than when it's needed, and it doesn't have any settings.

There is a 'File Status' button under the Support tab. It is sort of a history. It's not clear if everything that the program downloads gets listed, but if so, I only found a couple of text files downloaded months ago. A program running constantly for a couple of downloads months ago? Doesn't make sense to run software this way.
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Old 12-11-2011, 09:33 AM
atmhso atmhso is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

Hey all.

To stop Akamai starting with your computer, on Windows 7 type 'msconfig' into the start menu, go to the Startup tab, and then unselect it. That will stop it running every time your computer does.

Since Akamai is required here and there (Adobe for me), it's not really worth the hassle to uninstall it. But it'll make the computer take a second less time to boot up, and that's enough to be worth disabling. It's a harmless program, but badly designed if it needs to run every startup.

While you're there, uncheck some of the other junk - pretty sure I don't need Audible Download Manager!

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Old 02-26-2012, 12:20 PM
mooman420 mooman420 is offline
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Akamai Netsession is a downloader (P2P) utility

I recently got Akamai Netsession on my computer when I started downloading a game...It is not malware.
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:22 PM
itsprobablyok itsprobablyok is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

I was wondering what this was too, I think I got it from It's an optional install that helps with streaming video. If you don't install it, you can't get HD. I guess it's fine. I haven't noticed any problems and I watch videos on a lot, so I'll leave it for now.
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Old 10-28-2017, 04:57 PM
rutvik5655 rutvik5655 is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

Akamai netsession interface is a download manager that helps to increase speed and quality of downloads done through the internet. It is a tool that will help you enjoy faster, more reliable application, data and media downloads from a variety of sources you choose. When you download software from companies offering PDF files, documents, and media streams, there’s a good chance that download is powered by Akamai NetSession Interface.

Read more about akamai netsession interface here.
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Old 10-28-2017, 04:58 PM
rutvik5655 rutvik5655 is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

check akamai netsession
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Old 11-10-2017, 01:33 PM
AllenRuh AllenRuh is offline
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Old 11-13-2017, 08:48 AM
rutvik5655 rutvik5655 is offline
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Re: What is Akamai NetSession interface and how to disalbe it?

Read complete information here : Akamai netsession interface
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Old 12-09-2017, 11:17 AM
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